Is it possible for soybeans/oat/almond to get incorporated into the game?

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Neptune~, Feb 23, 2019.

  1. Neptune~

    Neptune~ Big Damn Hero

    Hello there,

    A suggestion came to mind, and I thought it would be a cool thing to opt for more plant-based options in the game. I was thinking about having the opportunity to buy soybeans/oat seeds/almond saplings, and then be able to grow these. When the soybeans (for instance) are harvested, you could simply use a craftable machine to turn those beans into milk. Same applies for the other options too: oat and almond, maybe even rice?
    This addition could also add more recipes, by using the beans/oats/almonds the way they are, as well as the milk they produce.

    I think this idea can create more variety and give the game a more of a realistic touch. It would also make the game a little more vegan-friendly, as well as more enjoyable for those who already have vegan mods.

    Hoping this is something that will be taken into thought and consideration! :)
      Last edited: Feb 23, 2019

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