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WIP Jumper - Jumpstart your starbound player back to where you were!

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Nicko21, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. LegomyDiego

    LegomyDiego Lucky Number 13

    Worked like a charm :) Thanks for the help!
    danks_ likes this.
  2. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    my pleasure, I feel like I should release a mod myself, but there are a couple out that already do it...
  3. CrazyFreak

    CrazyFreak Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Still says it's missing. I've done everything as instructed and everything seems to be in order. I double checked. Perhaps i'm missing something? Here is what my files look like. (I'm using the recipe as well.)

      "assetSources" : [
      "storageDirectory" : ".."
      "input" : [
        { "item" : "money", "count" : 1 }
      "output" : {
        "item" : "spawnerjumper",
        "count" : 1
      "groups" : [ "craftingtable", "objects", "all", "other" ]
        "tier1" : [
          { "item" : "spawnerjumper" },
          { "item" : "mininglantern" },
          { "item" : "copperarmorhead" },
          { "item" : "copperarmorchest" },
          { "item" : "copperarmorpants" },
          { "item" : "darkwoodmaterial" },
          { "item" : "yarnspinner" },
          { "item" : "campfire" },
          { "item" : "platform" },
          { "item" : "torch" },
          { "item" : "woodencraftingtable1" },
          { "item" : "fence" },
          { "item" : "stoneaxe" },
          { "item" : "stonehoe" },
          { "item" : "stonepickaxe" },
          { "item" : "woodenbed" },
          { "item" : "woodenchair" },
          { "item" : "woodencrate1" },
          { "item" : "woodencrate2" },
          { "item" : "woodendoor" },
          { "item" : "woodengate" },
          { "item" : "woodsupport" },
          { "item" : "woodtable" },
          { "item" : "woodenstonefurnacetable" },
          { "item" : "tier1chair" },
          { "item" : "tier1door" },
          { "item" : "tier1light" },
          { "item" : "tier1switch" },
          { "item" : "tier1bed" },
          { "item" : "ironanvil" },
          { "item" : "ironblock" },
          { "item" : "cobblestonebrick" },
          { "item" : "ironbeacon" },
          { "item" : "copperpickaxe" },
          { "item" : "silverpickaxe" },
          { "item" : "goldpickaxe" },
          { "item" : "platinumpickaxe" },
          { "item" : "diamondpickaxe" },
          { "item" : "stonefurnace" },
          { "item" : "glassmaterial" },
          { "item" : "woodenwindow1" },
          { "item" : "woodenwindow2" },
          { "item" : "woodencookingtable" },
          { "item" : "fabric" },
          { "item" : "packeddirt" },
          { "item" : "metalworkstation" },
          { "item" : "reddye" },
          { "item" : "bluedye" },
          { "item" : "yellowdye" },
          { "item" : "tier2engine" },
          { "item" : "bow" },
          { "item" : "ironbow" },
          { "item" : "bandage" },
          { "item" : "snowinfantryhead" },
          { "item" : "snowinfantrychest" },
          { "item" : "snowinfantrypants" },
          { "item" : "huntingknife" },
          { "item" : "climbingrope" },
          { "item" : "generatedshield", "count" : 1, "data" : { "definition" : "startershield", "level" : 1 } }
    Any help would be appreciated. Also, quick question, if I want to remove this and play with friends normally can I do so? Thanks!
  4. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    You dont need to remove it, the NPC will probably disappear, if you have a spawner in your inventory (or a chest no one will open), as long as you don't use it will stay there and cause no trouble, you can use the spawner again in single player and move on...

    As for why it doesn't appear, did you completely close the game? Try connecting to a multiplayer server where you've never been before and craft a table to see if that force-reloads your known tier1 blueprints.
    Is the recipe in the right folder?
    Starbound/mods/jumper/recipes/starter/crafting table/spawner_jumper.recipe
  5. xQuattro

    xQuattro Space Hobo

    Ah, i was using the mod manager with 3 other mods. I did a fresh install, backed up character ofc; and i installed the mod manually, did the recipe for it as well and i got this error as soon as i opened up starbound.
    -> JsonParsingException: Error parsing json: unexpected character parsing word at 5:3

    "assetSources" : [
    "storageDirectory" : ".."

    "tier1" : [
    { "item" : "spawnerjumper" },
    { "item" : "mininglantern" },
    { "item" : "copperarmorhead" },
    { "item" : "copperarmorchest" },
    { "item" : "copperarmorpants" },
    { "item" : "darkwoodmaterial" },
    { "item" : "yarnspinner" },
    { "item" : "campfire" },
    { "item" : "platform" },
    { "item" : "torch" },
    { "item" : "woodencraftingtable1" },
    { "item" : "fence" },
    { "item" : "stoneaxe" },
    { "item" : "stonehoe" },
    { "item" : "stonepickaxe" },
    { "item" : "woodenbed" },
    { "item" : "woodenchair" },
    { "item" : "woodencrate1" },
    { "item" : "woodencrate2" },
    { "item" : "woodendoor" },
    { "item" : "woodengate" },
    { "item" : "woodsupport" },
    { "item" : "woodtable" },
    { "item" : "woodenstonefurnacetable" },
    { "item" : "tier1chair" },
    { "item" : "tier1door" },
    { "item" : "tier1light" },
    { "item" : "tier1switch" },
    { "item" : "tier1bed" },
    { "item" : "ironanvil" },
    { "item" : "ironblock" },
    { "item" : "cobblestonebrick" },
    { "item" : "ironbeacon" },
    { "item" : "copperpickaxe" },
    { "item" : "silverpickaxe" },
    { "item" : "goldpickaxe" },
    { "item" : "platinumpickaxe" },
    { "item" : "diamondpickaxe" },
    { "item" : "stonefurnace" },
    { "item" : "glassmaterial" },
    { "item" : "woodenwindow1" },
    { "item" : "woodenwindow2" },
    { "item" : "woodencookingtable" },
    { "item" : "fabric" },
    { "item" : "packeddirt" },
    { "item" : "metalworkstation" },
    { "item" : "reddye" },
    { "item" : "bluedye" },
    { "item" : "yellowdye" },
    { "item" : "tier2engine" },
    { "item" : "bow" },
    { "item" : "ironbow" },
    { "item" : "bandage" },
    { "item" : "snowinfantryhead" },
    { "item" : "snowinfantrychest" },
    { "item" : "snowinfantrypants" },
    { "item" : "huntingknife" },
    { "item" : "climbingrope" },
    { "item" : "generatedshield", "count" : 1, "data" : { "definition" : "startershield", "level" : 1 } }
    "tier2" : [
    { "item" : "spawnerjumper" },
    { "item" : "silverarmorhead" },
    { "item" : "silverarmorchest" },
    { "item" : "silverarmorpants" },
    { "item" : "steelbar" },
    { "item" : "mediummetal" },
    { "item" : "chain" },
    { "item" : "roboticcraftingtable" },
    { "item" : "refinery" },
    { "item" : "steelbow" },
    { "item" : "tier2chair" },
    { "item" : "tier2door" },
    { "item" : "tier2light" },
    { "item" : "tier2switch" },
    { "item" : "tier2bed" },
    { "item" : "brainextractor" },
    { "item" : "artificialbrain" },
    { "item" : "robothead" },
    { "item" : "robotchest" },
    { "item" : "robotlegs" },
    { "item" : "robotarms" },
    { "item" : "tier3engine" },
    { "item" : "spawnerguard" },
    { "item" : "robot" },
    { "item" : "voxel1k" },
    { "item" : "voxel2k" },
    { "item" : "voxel5k" },
    { "item" : "voxel10k" },
    { "item" : "pixelcompressor" },
    { "item" : "lanternstickback" }
  6. xQuattro

    xQuattro Space Hobo

    Ah god don't worry, i just realized i had a comma after the Jumper part, therefore making it search endlessly haha oh god i feel dumb, always the simple mistakes :')
  7. Marcfyre

    Marcfyre Phantasmal Quasar

    I did all the steps, the game worked, and I made a new character - however, when I did, the game completely up and died as it always does - give me a short error message (this time it said there was a "violation error"), spam several error messages, and windows shuts the game off entirely. Solution, or did I Eff something up? Am I supposed to put the /mods folder I made in /Starbouond or in /assets?
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2013
  8. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    good thing you found out about it :p

    sounds like you ffed up, sounds like a , somewhere it shouldn't be or another mod that has issues, I have never had a problem like that.
  9. Marcfyre

    Marcfyre Phantasmal Quasar

    Well, this is my very first mod I ever installed on Starbound, and I double checked the code, but I guess I could check again.
  10. Weinertoggle

    Weinertoggle Space Hobo

    Contrary to what people said the way I made the mod work or show up at all, both methods that is, In your ship locker and In the crafting table Is having the mods folder In this directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Starbound\mods just as SethKipz explains on his thread.

    Any time I put It In C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Starbound\assets It up and crashed!

    The game Itself generated that mods_go_here file, because I didn't create it.

    Best of luck to you with issues, but this is what I did and It worked.

    >>>>Though as of recent without doing anything different the "Cumper spawner." Item turned into a green square with which reads "Perfectly generic item, almost too perfect."

    "defaultBlueprints" : {
    "tier1" : [
    { "item" : "spawnerjumper" },
    { "item" : "mininglantern" },
    { "item" : "copperarmorhead" },
    { "item" : "copperarmorchest" },
    { "item" : "copperarmorpants" },
    { "item" : "darkwoodmaterial" },
    { "item" : "yarnspinner" },
    { "item" : "campfire" },
    { "item" : "platform" },
    { "item" : "torch" },
    { "item" : "woodencraftingtable1" },
    { "item" : "fence" },
    { "item" : "stoneaxe" },
    { "item" : "stonehoe" },
    { "item" : "stonepickaxe" },
    { "item" : "woodenbed" },
    { "item" : "woodenchair" },
    { "item" : "woodencrate1" },
    { "item" : "woodencrate2" },
    { "item" : "woodendoor" },
    { "item" : "woodengate" },
    { "item" : "woodsupport" },
    { "item" : "woodtable" },
    { "item" : "woodenstonefurnacetable" },
    { "item" : "tier1chair" },
    { "item" : "tier1door" },
    { "item" : "tier1light" },
    { "item" : "tier1switch" },
    { "item" : "tier1bed" },
    { "item" : "ironanvil" },
    { "item" : "ironblock" },
    { "item" : "cobblestonebrick" },
    { "item" : "ironbeacon" },
    { "item" : "copperpickaxe" },
    { "item" : "silverpickaxe" },
    { "item" : "goldpickaxe" },
    { "item" : "platinumpickaxe" },
    { "item" : "diamondpickaxe" },
    { "item" : "stonefurnace" },
    { "item" : "glassmaterial" },
    { "item" : "woodenwindow1" },
    { "item" : "woodenwindow2" },
    { "item" : "woodencookingtable" },
    { "item" : "fabric" },
    { "item" : "packeddirt" },
    { "item" : "metalworkstation" },
    { "item" : "reddye" },
    { "item" : "bluedye" },
    { "item" : "yellowdye" },
    { "item" : "tier2engine" },
    { "item" : "bow" },
    { "item" : "ironbow" },
    { "item" : "bandage" },
    { "item" : "snowinfantryhead" },
    { "item" : "snowinfantrychest" },
    { "item" : "snowinfantrypants" },
    { "item" : "huntingknife" },
    { "item" : "climbingrope" },
    { "item" : "generatedshield", "count" : 1, "data" : { "definition" : "startershield", "level" : 1 } }

    Last edited: Dec 15, 2013
  11. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    This picture is from the new, today released, patch. The mod hasn't been updated in a while.
    Anyone that has read at least once the "how to mod" should already know that the /mods/ folder had to be created before and that you had to add the "../mods/<name>". Which as of now on, is no longer needed, thanks to the devs, the explanations I gave for how to add the recipes were counting on people adding the jumper folder to the /mods/ one. Don't come in the thread and cause confusion to other people.
  12. ThisGuy

    ThisGuy Intergalactic Tourist

    Hey man, easy fix. They've just changed the location of a couple scripts (from the monsters folder to the scripts folder). Here's your npc files fixed so your jumper spawns.

    (There are probably other changes I didn't merge in the merchant.npctype file)
  13. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    Thanks :) mine were working already, hope the OP gets to work his mod out
  14. Belarun

    Belarun Space Hobo

    So when I make a new toon, I get to the locker, get all the things, place the spawner, beam down, beam back up aaaaand black screen.

    I have my hud, I can switch around what's in my hand, and I can open up any windows, but I can't see anything.

    My bootstrap is
      "assetSources" : [
      "modSource" : "../mods",
      "storageDirectory" : ".."
    IS there anything I need to do?

    I have the starbound/mods/jumper/ folderall setup
  15. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    Belarun, read previous posts.

    There was just an update, the mod hasn't been updated by the creator, unless you patch it with what @ThisGuy posted it won't work.
    You can delete the "../mods/jumper" line, for the game now loads /mods/ as default.

    My recommendation if you don't know how your way around modding the files: wait until he updates it.
  16. SilentDeathTheSeal

    SilentDeathTheSeal Void-Bound Voyager

    I Have Installed it The Way This Thread told me to and made a new character i took the spawner and placed it down in a house i built went back up to my ship went back down but when i went down all i had was the hud and a black background
    help plz

    also when i try and get back onto the character the game dosent respond
  17. Belarun

    Belarun Space Hobo

    Without the "../mods/jumper" The mod doesn't even show up.

    Did I happen to miss an update somehow?
  18. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    Steam updated it like an hour ago, tops.

    your file already has this:
    "modSource" : "../mods",

    no need to re-add the line if the folder really is on /mods/ folder

    Changelog for v. Offended Koala 15/12/2013
    There are a whole bunch of improvements to balance here, particularly in the early game.
    We aren’t wiping characters or worlds, but if you want to experience the proper balance
    you should make a new character/worlds to play it on!
    - Experimental gun rebalance
    - Experimental biome settings
    - Streamlined mod support, more details here
    - Unique monster changes
    - Enable plasma guns
    - Fix naked NPC merchants
    - new portable pixel printer item (you must unlock tier 2 for it to show up in crafting).
    - Tons of new blocks and items to craft
    - New random encounters with unique items to find
    - Lots of work in progress server changes
    - Pets only attack npcs that are attacking the owner
    - New songs to play on instruments including christmas carols
    - New novelty hats
    - Pets now level up
    - you can no longer warp to gas giants
    - Lots more fixes and small additions
    More coming really soon!
  19. ThisGuy

    ThisGuy Intergalactic Tourist

    The mod has to be updated for the new format (needs an identifier file). For now, use the old bootstrap editing method like always. For those of you with black screen/freeze issues after the most recent update - download the files from my earlier post.
  20. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    Mine loaded correctly without the identifier (?)

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