Kemicol updated Kemi Song Pak with a new update entry: The nasty freestyle update Read the rest of this update entry...
Kemicol updated Kemi Song Pak with a new update entry: Albacornman Read the rest of this update entry...
Kemicol updated Kemi Song Pak with a new update entry: The Joy To the Glocken Update Read the rest of this update entry...
Kemicol updated Kemi Song Pak with a new update entry: Organized with Triple Dent Gum Read the rest of this update entry...
Kemicol updated Kemi Song Pak with a new update entry: The BASS CANNON update, with triple dent gum delay Read the rest of this update entry...
Kemicol updated Kemi Song Pak with a new update entry: Sad Machine Cannon EXTENDED Read the rest of this update entry...
Kemicol updated Kemi Song Pak with a new update entry: My Humps got my windowsXP started Read the rest of this update entry...
Hello Kemicol... As you may recall I am XxL3G1TS4VAG3xX as a fellow music modder I offer my help if you have an issues with your music (Ex: Music Not showing up | Convert Bad| Etc...
Kemicol updated Kemi Song Pak with a new update entry: Beats Knockin on my Coffee Shop Read the rest of this update entry...
Kemicol updated Kemi Song Pak with a new update entry: Worth It to Watch Me Read the rest of this update entry...
It will take some time until I will make frequent updates, I haven't been in the mood to transcribe lately. But this is not discontinued.
Kemicol updated Kemi Song Pak with a new update entry: Where Are U Now Discord? Read the rest of this update entry...
i have been waiting forever for a mlp music mod thank you so much now i just need the pony mod back to get finished.
Have you ever tried this pack? But thanks for your appreciation
Kemicol updated Kemi Song Pak with a new update entry: Hotline Blingin' in the Rain Read the rest of this update entry...
Sorry I do not have anything related to Fairy Tale nor am I interested to adding it to my pack. This is mostly from what I feel like transcribing and I do not want to do any "repeats" that reoccur with other music packs. Although I will always look at suggestions/commissions, but they are hardly guaranteed to happen.