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Closed [Linux x64/Glad Giraffe] Server dies when worlds are generated

Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by sergalbutt, Dec 15, 2015.

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  1. sergalbutt

    sergalbutt Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm having a bit of an unusual issue.

    Recently I've gotten more than a few friends into Starbound, so we decided to set up a dedicated server on one of their hosted VPS'.
    From time to time after any one of us has travelled to an as-of-yet-ungenerated planet, the server crashes as the planet generates, coming up with a message of "Killed" in the console, but not in the logfiles (relevant log dumps below)

    I did replicate this error without the mods installed server-side as well.

    Now, I'm not 100% sure if this is a Starbound error or something the VPS host has set up to stop active threads from pwning memory and/or disk usage.

    Could anybody possibly help shed some light on this? Thanks in advanced~ :3

    Start logging at: 2015-12-16 02:23:07.831
    [02:23:07.831] Info: Star::Root using bootstrap file '/home/steam/steamcmd/starbound/linux64/sbboot.config'
    [02:23:07.831] Info: Star::Root using storage directory '/home/steam/steamcmd/starbound/giraffe_storage'
    [02:23:07.831] Info: Preparing Star::Root...
    [02:23:07.849] Info: Detected mod 'PenaltyNoMore 1.0' at '../giraffe_storage/mods/PenaltyNoMore.modpak'
    [02:23:07.849] Info: Detected mod 'ezglass' at '../giraffe_storage/mods/ezglass/.'
    [02:23:07.849] Info: Loading Configuration with config file: 'starbound.config'
    [02:23:07.849] Info: Loading Star::Configuration from 'Just (./../giraffe_storage/starbound.config)'
    [02:23:07.851] Info: Writing Star::Configuration to './../giraffe_storage/starbound.config'
    [02:23:07.855] Info: Initializing Star::Root with 4 assets sources
    [02:23:07.856] Info: Done preparing Star::Root.
    [02:23:07.856] Info: Loading Assets
    [02:23:07.856] Info: Loading assets from: '../assets/packed.pak'
    [02:23:07.871] Info: Loading assets from: '../assets/user'
    [02:23:07.871] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods/PenaltyNoMore.modpak'
    [02:23:07.871] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods/ezglass/.'
    [02:23:08.313] Info: Done loading Assets in 0.457 seconds
    [02:23:08.313] Info: Loading NameGenerator
    [02:23:08.347] Info: Done loading NameGenerator in 0.0340002 seconds
    [02:23:08.347] Info: Loading ObjectDatabase
    [02:23:14.738] Info: Done loading ObjectDatabase in 6.391 seconds
    [02:23:14.738] Info: Loading PlantDatabase
    [02:23:15.563] Info: Done loading PlantDatabase in 0.824 seconds
    [02:23:15.563] Info: Loading ProjectileDatabase
    [02:23:17.801] Info: Done loading ProjectileDatabase in 2.238 seconds
    [02:23:17.801] Info: Loading MonsterDatabase
    [02:23:19.257] Info: Done loading MonsterDatabase in 1.456 seconds
    [02:23:19.258] Info: Loading NpcDatabase
    [02:23:19.479] Info: Done loading NpcDatabase in 0.221 seconds
    [02:23:19.479] Info: Loading StagehandDatabase
    [02:23:19.479] Info: Done loading StagehandDatabase in 0 seconds
    [02:23:19.479] Info: Loading VehicleDatabase
    [02:23:19.487] Info: Done loading VehicleDatabase in 0.0079999 seconds
    [02:23:19.487] Info: Loading PlayerFactory
    [02:23:19.489] Info: Done loading PlayerFactory in 0.00200009 seconds
    [02:23:19.489] Info: Loading EntityFactory
    [02:23:19.490] Info: Loading VersioningDatabase
    [02:23:19.490] Info: Done loading VersioningDatabase in 0 seconds
    [02:23:19.490] Info: Done loading EntityFactory in 0.000999928 seconds
    [02:23:19.490] Info: Loading ItemDatabase
    [02:23:21.573] Info: Loading ImageMetadataDatabase
    [02:23:21.573] Info: Done loading ImageMetadataDatabase in 0 seconds
    [02:23:29.720] Info: Loading FunctionDatabase
    [02:23:29.734] Info: Done loading FunctionDatabase in 0.0139999 seconds
    [02:23:29.748] Info: Loading ParticleDatabase
    [02:23:30.303] Info: Done loading ParticleDatabase in 0.555 seconds
    [02:23:34.237] Info: Done loading ItemDatabase in 14.747 seconds
    [02:23:34.237] Info: Loading MaterialDatabase
    [02:23:34.404] Info: Done loading MaterialDatabase in 0.167 seconds
    [02:23:34.404] Info: Loading TerrainDatabase
    [02:23:34.482] Info: Done loading TerrainDatabase in 0.0780001 seconds
    [02:23:34.482] Info: Loading BiomeDatabase
    [02:23:34.535] Info: Done loading BiomeDatabase in 0.053 seconds
    [02:23:34.535] Info: Loading LiquidsDatabase
    [02:23:34.541] Info: Done loading LiquidsDatabase in 0.00600004 seconds
    [02:23:34.541] Info: Loading StatusEffectDatabase
    [02:23:34.574] Info: Done loading StatusEffectDatabase in 0.033 seconds
    [02:23:34.574] Info: Loading DamageDatabase
    [02:23:34.785] Info: Done loading DamageDatabase in 0.211 seconds
    [02:23:34.785] Info: Loading EffectSourceDatabase
    [02:23:34.827] Info: Done loading EffectSourceDatabase in 0.0420001 seconds
    [02:23:34.827] Info: Loading TreasureDatabase
    [02:23:34.871] Info: Done loading TreasureDatabase in 0.0439999 seconds
    [02:23:34.872] Info: Loading DungeonDefinitions
    [02:23:35.407] Info: Done loading DungeonDefinitions in 0.535 seconds
    [02:23:35.407] Info: Loading TilesetDatabase
    [02:23:35.407] Info: Done loading TilesetDatabase in 0 seconds
    [02:23:35.407] Info: Loading EmoteProcessor
    [02:23:35.407] Info: Done loading EmoteProcessor in 0 seconds
    [02:23:35.407] Info: Loading SpeciesDatabase
    [02:23:35.415] Info: Done loading SpeciesDatabase in 0.0079999 seconds
    [02:23:35.415] Info: Loading QuestTemplateDatabase
    [02:23:35.466] Info: Done loading QuestTemplateDatabase in 0.0510001 seconds
    [02:23:35.466] Info: Loading AiDatabase
    [02:23:35.495] Info: Done loading AiDatabase in 0.029 seconds
    [02:23:35.495] Info: Loading TechDatabase
    [02:23:35.500] Info: Done loading TechDatabase in 0.00499988 seconds
    [02:23:35.500] Info: Loading CodexDatabase
    [02:23:35.745] Info: Done loading CodexDatabase in 0.245 seconds
    [02:23:35.745] Info: Loading BehaviorDatabase
    [02:23:35.925] Info: Done loading BehaviorDatabase in 0.18 seconds
    [02:23:35.925] Info: Loading DanceDatabase
    [02:23:35.929] Info: Done loading DanceDatabase in 0.00400019 seconds
    [02:23:35.929] Info: Loading SpawnTypeDatabase
    [02:23:35.941] Info: Done loading SpawnTypeDatabase in 0.0119998 seconds
    [02:23:35.943] Info: Done fully loading Star::Root
    [02:23:35.943] Info: Server Version 'Beta v. Glad Giraffe - Update 2' Revision: 0acd180ec987c3bb9920ecb3adca43a297c91238 Protocol: 711
    [02:23:35.943] Info: Scanning for router for portforwarding
    [02:23:35.943] Info: Done scanning for router for portforwarding
    [02:23:35.944] Info: UniverseServer: Acquiring universe lock file
    [02:23:35.954] Info: UniverseServer: Loading settings
    [02:23:35.955] Info: UniverseServer: No default world set; using randomized starter worlds
    [02:23:35.956] Info: UniverseServer: Starting UniverseServer with UUID: b26c9ce5f09bfa0ea17d7a0ffb214137
    [02:23:40.767] Info: UniverseServer: Connection received from: 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:b4d8:5175:58940
    [02:23:41.431] Info: UniverseServer: Sending Handshake Challenge
    [02:23:41.552] Info: UniverseServer: Logged in account ''phantomlocust'' as player 'Gl1tch' from address 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:b4d8:5175
    [02:23:41.558] Info: UniverseServer: Reviving player at ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [02:23:41.558] Info: UniverseServer: Client 'Gl1tch' <1> (0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:b4d8:5175) connected
    [02:23:41.594] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [02:23:42.759] Error: Could not load image asset '/items/active/unsorted/wateringcan/woodenwateringcanIcon.png', using placeholder default.
    (AssetException) No such asset '/items/active/unsorted/wateringcan/woodenwateringcanIcon.png'
    [02:23:43.955] Info: UniverseServer: Loading celestial world -124852116:-471101507:-77762017:2:1
    [02:23:46.588] Info: UniverseServer: Connection received from: 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:b4d8:4d64:55666
    [02:23:47.241] Info: UniverseServer: Sending Handshake Challenge
    [02:23:47.383] Info: UniverseServer: Logged in account ''sergalbutt'' as player 'Tecui' from address 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:b4d8:4d64
    [02:23:47.388] Info: UniverseServer: Reviving player at ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9
    [02:23:47.388] Info: UniverseServer: Client 'Tecui' <2> (0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:b4d8:4d64) connected
    [02:23:47.392] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9
    [02:23:49.086] Info: UniverseServer: Loading celestial world -480359203:-819116380:-116811164:4:4
    [02:23:49.087] Warn: SimpleDatabase at device: ./../giraffe_storage/universe/-480359203_-819116380_-116811164_4_4.world was not closed cleanly
    [02:23:49.087] Warn: Recovering SimpleDatabase at device: ./../giraffe_storage/universe/-480359203_-819116380_-116811164_4_4.world
    [02:23:49.093] Warn: Recovery finished
    [02:23:54.505] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:2:1 due to inactivity
    [02:23:54.506] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:2:1
    [02:23:59.948] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-480359203:-819116380:-116811164:4:4 due to inactivity
    [02:24:00.049] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-480359203:-819116380:-116811164:4:4
    [02:25:41.023] Info: UniverseServer: Loading celestial world -124852116:-471101507:-77762017:2:1
    [02:25:51.389] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f due to inactivity
    [02:25:51.495] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [02:25:58.715] Info: UniverseServer: Loading celestial world -480359189:-819116384:-246475352:4
    [02:26:09.535] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-480359189:-819116384:-246475352:4 due to inactivity
    [02:26:09.639] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-480359189:-819116384:-246475352:4
    [02:26:11.706] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [02:26:22.988] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:2:1 due to inactivity
    [02:26:23.089] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:2:1
    [02:28:47.850] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9 due to inactivity
    [02:28:47.959] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9
    [02:29:55.993] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /warp
    [02:29:58.610] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /admin
    [02:30:00.126] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /warp
    [02:30:06.394] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /warp
    [02:30:09.786] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /admin
    [02:30:14.311] Info: UniverseServer: Loading celestial world -124852116:-471101507:-77762017:2:1
    [02:34:52.549] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9
    [02:35:03.781] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:2:1 due to inactivity
    [02:35:03.881] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:2:1
    [02:38:10.505] Info: UniverseServer: Loading celestial world -480359189:-819116384:-246475352:4
    [02:38:21.141] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9 due to inactivity
    [02:38:21.241] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9
    [02:40:25.690] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9
    [02:40:37.519] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-480359189:-819116384:-246475352:4 due to inactivity
    [02:40:37.621] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-480359189:-819116384:-246475352:4
    [02:40:54.006] Info: UniverseServer: Loading celestial world -480359189:-819116384:-246475352:4
    [02:41:04.782] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9 due to inactivity
    [02:41:04.924] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9
    [02:44:43.428] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9
    [02:44:54.738] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-480359189:-819116384:-246475352:4 due to inactivity
    [02:44:54.846] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-480359189:-819116384:-246475352:4
    [02:45:37.580] Info: UniverseServer: Loading celestial world -480359189:-819116384:-246475352:4
    [02:45:47.903] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9 due to inactivity
    [02:45:48.024] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9
    [02:46:04.102] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: hazardmicroscope direction: 0 position: (392, 1139)
    [02:48:06.421] Info: UniverseServer: Client 'Gl1tch' <1> (0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:b4d8:5175) disconnected
    [02:48:06.525] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [02:48:56.283] Info: UniverseServer: Creating temporary world file for world InstanceWorld:challengerooms:4d4aeb8d74c1a9d8898d2e3e79f4afa7:4
    [02:48:56.283] Info: UniverseServer: Creating temporary instance world 'InstanceWorld:challengerooms:4d4aeb8d74c1a9d8898d2e3e79f4afa7:4'
    [02:48:56.287] Info: Placing dungeon challengerooms
    [02:48:56.829] Info: Generating dungeon challengerooms (NOT FORCED)
    [02:48:56.842] Info: Placing dungeon at (0, 1000)
    [02:48:57.179] Info: Protected dungeonIds for world set to (0)
    [02:49:08.268] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-480359189:-819116384:-246475352:4 due to inactivity
    [02:49:08.368] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-480359189:-819116384:-246475352:4
    [02:55:34.994] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9
    [02:55:46.062] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world InstanceWorld:challengerooms:4d4aeb8d74c1a9d8898d2e3e79f4afa7:4 due to inactivity
    [02:55:46.163] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world InstanceWorld:challengerooms:4d4aeb8d74c1a9d8898d2e3e79f4afa7:4
    [02:56:32.508] Info: UniverseServer: Creating celestial world -480359193:-819116396:41014305:2:1 
    [02:56:32.946] Info: Placing dungeon naturalcave
    [02:56:33.161] Info: Generating dungeon naturalcave (NOT FORCED)
    [02:56:33.164] Info: Placing dungeon at (1790, 875)
    [02:56:33.947] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: metalbarrel1 direction: 1 position: (1818, 778)
    [02:56:33.947] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: woodencrate1 direction: 1 position: (1821, 778)
    [02:56:33.947] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: midjar1 direction: 0 position: (1823, 778)
    [02:56:34.136] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: prisonpipefence direction: 0 position: (1807, 836)
    [02:56:34.137] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: talljar1 direction: 0 position: (1811, 836)
    [02:56:34.137] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: bunkercrate direction: 1 position: (1813, 836)
    [02:56:48.744] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-480359193:-819116396:41014305:2:1 due to inactivity
    [02:56:48.844] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-480359193:-819116396:41014305:2:1
    [02:57:40.103] Info: UniverseServer: Loading celestial world -480359193:-819116396:41014305:2:1
    [02:57:50.588] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9 due to inactivity
    [02:57:50.700] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9
    [03:03:46.583] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: ironchest direction: 1 position: (55, 858)
    [03:05:46.340] Info: UniverseServer: Expiring temporary world InstanceWorld:challengerooms:4d4aeb8d74c1a9d8898d2e3e79f4afa7:4
    [03:10:35.638] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9
    [03:10:47.197] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-480359193:-819116396:41014305:2:1 due to inactivity
    [03:10:47.298] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-480359193:-819116396:41014305:2:1
    [03:15:58.824] Info: UniverseServer: Creating celestial world -480359193:-819116396:41014305:2 
    [03:16:00.979] Info: Placing dungeon aviantower
    [03:16:01.081] Info: Generating dungeon aviantower (NOT FORCED)
    [03:16:01.086] Info: Placing dungeon at (3614, 1700)
    [03:16:01.706] Info: Placing dungeon apextestchamber
    [03:16:02.117] Info: Generating dungeon apextestchamber (NOT FORCED)
    [03:16:02.125] Info: Placing dungeon at (5838, 1700)
    [03:16:04.224] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: apextv direction: 0 position: (5919, 1719)
    [03:16:04.267] Info: Protected dungeonIds for world set to (1)
    [03:16:04.267] Info: Placing dungeon floranvillagetower
    [03:16:04.570] Info: Generating dungeon floranvillagetower (NOT FORCED)
    [03:16:04.572] Info: Placing dungeon at (1494, 1700)
    [03:16:07.286] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: floranscreen2 direction: 0 position: (1486, 1716)
    [03:16:07.608] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: floranbonestool direction: 0 position: (1642, 1806)
    [03:16:23.713] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-480359193:-819116396:41014305:2 due to inactivity
    [03:16:23.820] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-480359193:-819116396:41014305:2
    [03:16:42.228] Info: UniverseServer: Loading celestial world -480359193:-819116396:41014305:2
    [03:16:53.172] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9 due to inactivity
    [03:16:53.309] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9
    Start logging at: 2015-12-16 01:15:16.082
    [01:15:16.082] Info: Star::Root using bootstrap file '/home/steam/steamcmd/starbound/linux64/sbboot.config'
    [01:15:16.082] Info: Star::Root using storage directory '/home/steam/steamcmd/starbound/giraffe_storage'
    [01:15:16.082] Info: Preparing Star::Root...
    [01:15:16.105] Info: Detected mod 'PenaltyNoMore 1.0' at '../giraffe_storage/mods/PenaltyNoMore.modpak'
    [01:15:16.105] Info: Detected mod 'ezglass' at '../giraffe_storage/mods/ezglass/.'
    [01:15:16.105] Info: Loading Configuration with config file: 'starbound.config'
    [01:15:16.105] Info: Loading Star::Configuration from 'Just (./../giraffe_storage/starbound.config)'
    [01:15:16.106] Info: Writing Star::Configuration to './../giraffe_storage/starbound.config'
    [01:15:16.107] Info: Initializing Star::Root with 4 assets sources
    [01:15:16.107] Info: Done preparing Star::Root.
    [01:15:16.107] Info: Loading Assets
    [01:15:16.107] Info: Loading assets from: '../assets/packed.pak'
    [01:15:16.111] Info: Loading assets from: '../assets/user'
    [01:15:16.111] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods/PenaltyNoMore.modpak'
    [01:15:16.111] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods/ezglass/.'
    [01:15:16.494] Info: Done loading Assets in 0.387 seconds
    [01:15:16.494] Info: Loading NameGenerator
    [01:15:16.535] Info: Done loading NameGenerator in 0.0410001 seconds
    [01:15:16.535] Info: Loading ObjectDatabase
    [01:15:20.722] Info: Done loading ObjectDatabase in 4.187 seconds
    [01:15:20.722] Info: Loading PlantDatabase
    [01:15:20.830] Info: Done loading PlantDatabase in 0.108 seconds
    [01:15:20.830] Info: Loading ProjectileDatabase
    [01:15:21.184] Info: Done loading ProjectileDatabase in 0.354 seconds
    [01:15:21.184] Info: Loading MonsterDatabase
    [01:15:21.628] Info: Done loading MonsterDatabase in 0.444 seconds
    [01:15:21.628] Info: Loading NpcDatabase
    [01:15:21.681] Info: Done loading NpcDatabase in 0.053 seconds
    [01:15:21.681] Info: Loading StagehandDatabase
    [01:15:21.682] Info: Done loading StagehandDatabase in 0.000999928 seconds
    [01:15:21.682] Info: Loading VehicleDatabase
    [01:15:21.684] Info: Done loading VehicleDatabase in 0.00200009 seconds
    [01:15:21.684] Info: Loading PlayerFactory
    [01:15:21.687] Info: Done loading PlayerFactory in 0.00300002 seconds
    [01:15:21.687] Info: Loading EntityFactory
    [01:15:21.687] Info: Loading VersioningDatabase
    [01:15:21.687] Info: Done loading VersioningDatabase in 0 seconds
    [01:15:21.687] Info: Done loading EntityFactory in 0 seconds
    [01:15:21.687] Info: Loading ItemDatabase
    [01:15:24.543] Info: Loading ImageMetadataDatabase
    [01:15:24.543] Info: Done loading ImageMetadataDatabase in 0 seconds
    [01:15:29.907] Info: Loading FunctionDatabase
    [01:15:29.921] Info: Done loading FunctionDatabase in 0.0139999 seconds
    [01:15:29.937] Info: Loading ParticleDatabase
    [01:15:30.050] Info: Done loading ParticleDatabase in 0.113 seconds
    [01:15:32.915] Info: Done loading ItemDatabase in 11.228 seconds
    [01:15:32.915] Info: Loading MaterialDatabase
    [01:15:33.064] Info: Done loading MaterialDatabase in 0.149 seconds
    [01:15:33.065] Info: Loading TerrainDatabase
    [01:15:33.101] Info: Done loading TerrainDatabase in 0.036 seconds
    [01:15:33.101] Info: Loading BiomeDatabase
    [01:15:33.192] Info: Done loading BiomeDatabase in 0.0909998 seconds
    [01:15:33.192] Info: Loading LiquidsDatabase
    [01:15:33.194] Info: Done loading LiquidsDatabase in 0.00200009 seconds
    [01:15:33.194] Info: Loading StatusEffectDatabase
    [01:15:33.216] Info: Done loading StatusEffectDatabase in 0.0220001 seconds
    [01:15:33.216] Info: Loading DamageDatabase
    [01:15:33.497] Info: Done loading DamageDatabase in 0.281 seconds
    [01:15:33.497] Info: Loading EffectSourceDatabase
    [01:15:33.517] Info: Done loading EffectSourceDatabase in 0.02 seconds
    [01:15:33.517] Info: Loading TreasureDatabase
    [01:15:33.567] Info: Done loading TreasureDatabase in 0.05 seconds
    [01:15:33.567] Info: Loading DungeonDefinitions
    [01:15:34.071] Info: Done loading DungeonDefinitions in 0.504 seconds
    [01:15:34.071] Info: Loading TilesetDatabase
    [01:15:34.071] Info: Done loading TilesetDatabase in 0 seconds
    [01:15:34.071] Info: Loading EmoteProcessor
    [01:15:34.071] Info: Done loading EmoteProcessor in 0 seconds
    [01:15:34.071] Info: Loading SpeciesDatabase
    [01:15:34.088] Info: Done loading SpeciesDatabase in 0.017 seconds
    [01:15:34.088] Info: Loading QuestTemplateDatabase
    [01:15:34.108] Info: Done loading QuestTemplateDatabase in 0.02 seconds
    [01:15:34.108] Info: Loading AiDatabase
    [01:15:34.128] Info: Done loading AiDatabase in 0.02 seconds
    [01:15:34.128] Info: Loading TechDatabase
    [01:15:34.130] Info: Done loading TechDatabase in 0.00200009 seconds
    [01:15:34.130] Info: Loading CodexDatabase
    [01:15:34.330] Info: Done loading CodexDatabase in 0.2 seconds
    [01:15:34.330] Info: Loading BehaviorDatabase
    [01:15:34.781] Info: Done loading BehaviorDatabase in 0.451 seconds
    [01:15:34.781] Info: Loading DanceDatabase
    [01:15:34.784] Info: Done loading DanceDatabase in 0.00299978 seconds
    [01:15:34.784] Info: Loading SpawnTypeDatabase
    [01:15:34.794] Info: Done loading SpawnTypeDatabase in 0.0100002 seconds
    [01:15:34.795] Info: Done fully loading Star::Root
    [01:15:34.796] Info: Server Version 'Beta v. Glad Giraffe - Update 2' Revision: 0acd180ec987c3bb9920ecb3adca43a297c91238 Protocol: 711
    [01:15:34.796] Info: Scanning for router for portforwarding
    [01:15:34.796] Info: Done scanning for router for portforwarding
    [01:15:34.796] Info: UniverseServer: Acquiring universe lock file
    [01:15:34.811] Info: UniverseServer: Loading settings
    [01:15:34.812] Info: UniverseServer: No default world set; using randomized starter worlds
    [01:15:34.814] Info: UniverseServer: Starting UniverseServer with UUID: b26c9ce5f09bfa0ea17d7a0ffb214137
    [01:15:43.311] Info: UniverseServer: Connection received from: 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:b4d8:5175:58881
    [01:15:43.900] Info: UniverseServer: Sending Handshake Challenge
    [01:15:44.037] Info: UniverseServer: Logged in account ''phantomlocust'' as player 'Gl1tch' from address 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:b4d8:5175
    [01:15:44.041] Info: UniverseServer: Reviving player at ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [01:15:44.041] Info: UniverseServer: Client 'Gl1tch' <1> (0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:b4d8:5175) connected
    [01:15:44.140] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [01:15:45.101] Error: Could not load image asset '/items/active/unsorted/wateringcan/woodenwateringcanIcon.png', using placeholder default.
    (AssetException) No such asset '/items/active/unsorted/wateringcan/woodenwateringcanIcon.png'
    [01:15:45.906] Info: UniverseServer: Loading celestial world -124852116:-471101507:-77762017:5:3
    [01:15:45.907] Warn: SimpleDatabase at device: ./../giraffe_storage/universe/-124852116_-471101507_-77762017_5_3.world was not closed cleanly
    [01:15:45.907] Warn: Recovering SimpleDatabase at device: ./../giraffe_storage/universe/-124852116_-471101507_-77762017_5_3.world
    [01:15:45.911] Warn: Recovery finished
    [01:15:56.894] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:5:3 due to inactivity
    [01:15:56.995] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:5:3
    [01:16:01.920] Info: UniverseServer: Creating temporary world file for world InstanceWorld:outpost:-:-
    [01:16:01.921] Info: UniverseServer: Creating temporary instance world 'InstanceWorld:outpost:-:-'
    [01:16:01.923] Info: Placing dungeon outpost
    [01:16:02.167] Info: Generating dungeon outpost (NOT FORCED)
    [01:16:02.264] Info: Placing dungeon at (0, 500)
    [01:16:04.784] Info: Protected dungeonIds for world set to (0)
    [01:16:16.228] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f due to inactivity
    [01:16:16.348] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [01:16:37.899] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [01:16:48.983] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world InstanceWorld:outpost:-:- due to inactivity
    [01:16:49.083] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world InstanceWorld:outpost:-:-
    [01:17:19.447] Info: UniverseServer: Loading temporary instance world InstanceWorld:outpost:-:-
    [01:17:29.844] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f due to inactivity
    [01:17:29.972] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [01:17:48.710] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [01:17:59.734] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world InstanceWorld:outpost:-:- due to inactivity
    [01:17:59.835] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world InstanceWorld:outpost:-:-
    [01:26:00.466] Info: UniverseServer: Loading temporary instance world InstanceWorld:outpost:-:-
    [01:26:10.769] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f due to inactivity
    [01:26:10.783] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [01:26:42.109] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [01:26:53.289] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world InstanceWorld:outpost:-:- due to inactivity
    [01:26:53.389] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world InstanceWorld:outpost:-:-
    [01:26:56.412] Info: UniverseServer: Loading temporary instance world InstanceWorld:outpost:-:-
    [01:27:06.706] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f due to inactivity
    [01:27:06.810] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [01:27:36.965] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [01:27:48.451] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world InstanceWorld:outpost:-:- due to inactivity
    [01:27:48.555] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world InstanceWorld:outpost:-:-
    [01:29:32.533] Info: UniverseServer: Loading celestial world -124852116:-471101507:-77762017:5:3
    [01:29:43.129] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f due to inactivity
    [01:29:43.360] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [01:30:22.472] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: woodenchest direction: 1 position: (3696, 803)
    [01:30:58.463] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: woodenchest direction: 1 position: (3862, 754)
    [01:34:30.338] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: tombthing1 direction: 1 position: (3905, 351)
    [01:36:17.016] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [01:36:38.466] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f due to inactivity
    [01:36:38.623] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [01:37:48.805] Info: UniverseServer: Expiring temporary world InstanceWorld:outpost:-:-
    [01:47:48.676] Info: UniverseServer: Connection received from: 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:b4d8:4d64:54513
    [01:47:49.554] Info: UniverseServer: Sending Handshake Challenge
    [01:47:49.775] Info: UniverseServer: Logged in account ''sergalbutt'' as player 'Tecui' from address 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:b4d8:4d64
    [01:47:49.787] Info: UniverseServer: Reviving player at ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9
    [01:47:49.787] Info: UniverseServer: Client 'Tecui' <2> (0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:b4d8:4d64) connected
    [01:47:51.273] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9
    [01:47:52.640] Info: UniverseServer: Loading celestial world -480359189:-819116384:-246475352:4
    [01:48:03.571] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-480359189:-819116384:-246475352:4 due to inactivity
    [01:48:03.674] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-480359189:-819116384:-246475352:4
    [01:48:18.143] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /help
    [01:48:27.444] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /war[
    [01:48:28.521] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [01:48:31.731] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /warp
    [01:48:42.059] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:5:3 due to inactivity
    [01:48:42.166] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:5:3
    [01:49:07.548] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /admin
    [01:49:09.658] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /warp
    [01:49:21.905] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /admin
    [01:49:36.448] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9 due to inactivity
    [01:49:36.548] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9
    [01:50:25.781] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /itemid
    [01:50:33.732] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /admin
    [01:52:52.307] Info: UniverseServer: Creating celestial world -124852116:-471101507:-77762017:2:1 
    [01:53:03.528] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:2:1 due to inactivity
    [01:53:03.628] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:2:1
    [01:53:40.411] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /spawnitem simplecapeback 1 '{"colorIndex":1}'
    [01:53:47.656] Info: UniverseServer: Loading celestial world -124852116:-471101507:-77762017:2:1
    [01:53:53.023] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /warp
    [01:54:05.031] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: hazardtapeh direction: 1 position: (3873, 773)
    [01:54:05.031] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: hazardtapeh direction: 1 position: (3874, 773)
    [01:54:05.031] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: hazardtapeh direction: 1 position: (3905, 773)
    [01:54:05.031] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: hazardtapeh direction: 1 position: (3906, 773)
    [01:54:31.931] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:2:1 due to inactivity
    [01:54:32.033] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:2:1
    [01:55:02.073] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /admin
    [01:56:27.414] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /spawnitem simplecapeback 1 '{"colorIndex":10}'
    [01:56:33.645] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /admin
    [01:56:36.256] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /spawnitem simplecapeback 1 '{"colorIndex":10}'
    [01:56:44.537] Info: UniverseServer: Loading celestial world -480359193:-819116396:41014305:4:5
    [01:56:44.546] Warn: SimpleDatabase at device: ./../giraffe_storage/universe/-480359193_-819116396_41014305_4_5.world was not closed cleanly
    [01:56:44.546] Warn: Recovering SimpleDatabase at device: ./../giraffe_storage/universe/-480359193_-819116396_41014305_4_5.world
    [01:56:44.784] Warn: Recovery finished
    [01:56:53.647] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9
    [01:57:04.396] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-480359193:-819116396:41014305:4:5 due to inactivity
    [01:57:04.498] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-480359193:-819116396:41014305:4:5
    [01:57:33.454] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [01:57:36.861] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [01:57:36.862] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [01:57:37.461] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [01:57:37.464] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [01:57:38.858] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [01:57:38.858] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [01:57:40.041] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [01:57:40.041] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [01:57:40.591] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [01:57:40.591] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [01:57:42.075] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [01:59:35.574] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /admin
    [02:00:10.964] Error: Could not instantiate item '[hwt_freehead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'hwt_freehead'
    [02:00:12.913] Error: Could not instantiate item '[hwt_freehead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'hwt_freehead'
    [02:00:12.913] Error: Could not instantiate item '[hwt_freehead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'hwt_freehead'
    [02:00:13.546] Error: Could not instantiate item '[hwt_freehead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'hwt_freehead'
    [02:00:13.546] Error: Could not instantiate item '[hwt_freehead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'hwt_freehead'
    [02:00:24.344] Error: Could not instantiate item '[hwt_freehead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'hwt_freehead'
    [02:00:24.348] Error: Could not instantiate item '[hwt_freehead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'hwt_freehead'
    [02:00:33.946] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9 due to inactivity
    [02:00:34.046] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9
    [02:00:56.608] Info: UniverseServer: Loading celestial world -124852116:-471101507:-77762017:2:1
    [02:00:56.810] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /admin
    [02:01:32.475] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [02:01:36.608] Error: Could not instantiate item '[hwt_freehead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'hwt_freehead'
    [02:01:36.608] Error: Could not instantiate item '[hwt_freehead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'hwt_freehead'
    [02:01:37.491] Error: Could not instantiate item '[hwt_freehead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'hwt_freehead'
    [02:01:40.660] Error: Could not instantiate item '[hwt_freehead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'hwt_freehead'
    [02:01:40.660] Error: Could not instantiate item '[hwt_freehead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'hwt_freehead'
    [02:01:42.177] Error: Could not instantiate item '[hwt_freehead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'hwt_freehead'
    [02:01:42.611] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [02:01:42.611] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [02:01:43.362] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [02:01:43.362] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [02:01:54.836] Error: Could not instantiate item '[hwt_freehead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'hwt_freehead'
    [02:01:54.860] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [02:01:54.862] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [02:02:03.659] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f due to inactivity
    [02:02:03.742] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [02:02:17.024] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [02:02:17.025] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [02:02:17.938] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [02:02:29.467] Error: Could not instantiate item '[hwt_freehead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'hwt_freehead'
    [02:02:29.467] Error: Could not instantiate item '[hwt_freehead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'hwt_freehead'
    [02:02:30.272] Error: Could not instantiate item '[hwt_freehead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'hwt_freehead'
    [02:02:31.461] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [02:02:31.461] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [02:02:32.153] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [02:05:24.157] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [02:06:56.247] Warn: Dungeon wire endpoint not found. (3969, 413)
    [02:06:56.247] Warn: Dungeon wires did not make a circuit.
    [02:07:21.265] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: midjar1 direction: 1 position: (75, 361)
    [02:07:58.329] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9
    [02:07:58.538] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f due to inactivity
    [02:07:58.890] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [02:08:56.801] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /admin
    [02:09:08.934] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: midjar1 direction: 1 position: (644, 328)
    [02:14:20.511] Info: UniverseServer: Creating celestial world -480359203:-819116380:-116811164:4:4 
    [02:14:20.970] Info: Placing dungeon floranvillagetower
    [02:14:21.378] Info: Generating dungeon floranvillagetower (NOT FORCED)
    [02:14:21.382] Info: Placing dungeon at (2429, 875)
    [02:14:22.585] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: floranbonestool direction: 0 position: (2477, 962)
    [02:14:37.605] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-480359203:-819116380:-116811164:4:4 due to inactivity
    [02:14:37.707] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-480359203:-819116380:-116811164:4:4
    [02:15:29.310] Info: UniverseServer: Loading celestial world -480359203:-819116380:-116811164:4:4
    [02:15:40.152] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9 due to inactivity
    [02:15:40.355] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9
    [02:18:56.533] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [02:19:08.474] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:2:1 due to inactivity
    [02:19:08.536] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:2:1
    [02:21:00.706] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9
    [02:21:12.239] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-480359203:-819116380:-116811164:4:4 due to inactivity
    [02:21:12.340] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-480359203:-819116380:-116811164:4:4
    [02:22:09.670] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f due to inactivity
    [02:22:09.770] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [02:22:53.823] Info: UniverseServer: Loading celestial world -480359203:-819116380:-116811164:4:4
    Start logging at: 2015-12-16 00:14:19.455
    [00:14:19.455] Info: Star::Root using bootstrap file '/home/steam/steamcmd/starbound/linux64/sbboot.config'
    [00:14:19.455] Info: Star::Root using storage directory '/home/steam/steamcmd/starbound/giraffe_storage'
    [00:14:19.455] Info: Preparing Star::Root...
    [00:14:19.464] Info: Detected mod 'PenaltyNoMore 1.0' at '../giraffe_storage/mods/PenaltyNoMore.modpak'
    [00:14:19.464] Info: Detected mod 'ezglass' at '../giraffe_storage/mods/ezglass/.'
    [00:14:19.464] Info: Loading Configuration with config file: 'starbound.config'
    [00:14:19.464] Info: Loading Star::Configuration from 'Just (./../giraffe_storage/starbound.config)'
    [00:14:19.466] Info: Writing Star::Configuration to './../giraffe_storage/starbound.config'
    [00:14:19.476] Info: Initializing Star::Root with 4 assets sources
    [00:14:19.476] Info: Done preparing Star::Root.
    [00:14:19.477] Info: Loading Assets
    [00:14:19.477] Info: Loading assets from: '../assets/packed.pak'
    [00:14:19.488] Info: Loading assets from: '../assets/user'
    [00:14:19.488] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods/PenaltyNoMore.modpak'
    [00:14:19.488] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods/ezglass/.'
    [00:14:20.149] Info: Done loading Assets in 0.672 seconds
    [00:14:20.150] Info: Loading NameGenerator
    [00:14:20.156] Info: Done loading NameGenerator in 0.00600004 seconds
    [00:14:20.156] Info: Loading ObjectDatabase
    [00:14:21.021] Info: Done loading ObjectDatabase in 0.865 seconds
    [00:14:21.021] Info: Loading PlantDatabase
    [00:14:21.118] Info: Done loading PlantDatabase in 0.0969999 seconds
    [00:14:21.118] Info: Loading ProjectileDatabase
    [00:14:21.464] Info: Done loading ProjectileDatabase in 0.346 seconds
    [00:14:21.464] Info: Loading MonsterDatabase
    [00:14:21.659] Info: Done loading MonsterDatabase in 0.195 seconds
    [00:14:21.659] Info: Loading NpcDatabase
    [00:14:21.706] Info: Done loading NpcDatabase in 0.0470002 seconds
    [00:14:21.706] Info: Loading StagehandDatabase
    [00:14:21.706] Info: Done loading StagehandDatabase in 0 seconds
    [00:14:21.706] Info: Loading VehicleDatabase
    [00:14:21.709] Info: Done loading VehicleDatabase in 0.00300002 seconds
    [00:14:21.709] Info: Loading PlayerFactory
    [00:14:21.711] Info: Done loading PlayerFactory in 0.00199986 seconds
    [00:14:21.711] Info: Loading EntityFactory
    [00:14:21.711] Info: Loading VersioningDatabase
    [00:14:21.712] Info: Done loading VersioningDatabase in 0.00100017 seconds
    [00:14:21.712] Info: Done loading EntityFactory in 0.00100017 seconds
    [00:14:21.712] Info: Loading ItemDatabase
    [00:14:22.621] Info: Loading ImageMetadataDatabase
    [00:14:22.622] Info: Done loading ImageMetadataDatabase in 0 seconds
    [00:14:25.114] Info: Loading FunctionDatabase
    [00:14:25.128] Info: Done loading FunctionDatabase in 0.0139999 seconds
    [00:14:25.151] Info: Loading ParticleDatabase
    [00:14:25.219] Info: Done loading ParticleDatabase in 0.0680001 seconds
    [00:14:27.517] Info: Done loading ItemDatabase in 5.805 seconds
    [00:14:27.517] Info: Loading MaterialDatabase
    [00:14:27.638] Info: Done loading MaterialDatabase in 0.121 seconds
    [00:14:27.638] Info: Loading TerrainDatabase
    [00:14:27.672] Info: Done loading TerrainDatabase in 0.0339999 seconds
    [00:14:27.672] Info: Loading BiomeDatabase
    [00:14:27.724] Info: Done loading BiomeDatabase in 0.052 seconds
    [00:14:27.724] Info: Loading LiquidsDatabase
    [00:14:27.726] Info: Done loading LiquidsDatabase in 0.00200009 seconds
    [00:14:27.726] Info: Loading StatusEffectDatabase
    [00:14:27.742] Info: Done loading StatusEffectDatabase in 0.016 seconds
    [00:14:27.742] Info: Loading DamageDatabase
    [00:14:27.885] Info: Done loading DamageDatabase in 0.142 seconds
    [00:14:27.885] Info: Loading EffectSourceDatabase
    [00:14:27.896] Info: Done loading EffectSourceDatabase in 0.0110002 seconds
    [00:14:27.896] Info: Loading TreasureDatabase
    [00:14:27.921] Info: Done loading TreasureDatabase in 0.0249999 seconds
    [00:14:27.921] Info: Loading DungeonDefinitions
    [00:14:28.230] Info: Done loading DungeonDefinitions in 0.309 seconds
    [00:14:28.230] Info: Loading TilesetDatabase
    [00:14:28.230] Info: Done loading TilesetDatabase in 0 seconds
    [00:14:28.230] Info: Loading EmoteProcessor
    [00:14:28.230] Info: Done loading EmoteProcessor in 0 seconds
    [00:14:28.230] Info: Loading SpeciesDatabase
    [00:14:28.235] Info: Done loading SpeciesDatabase in 0.00500011 seconds
    [00:14:28.236] Info: Loading QuestTemplateDatabase
    [00:14:28.255] Info: Done loading QuestTemplateDatabase in 0.0190001 seconds
    [00:14:28.256] Info: Loading AiDatabase
    [00:14:28.266] Info: Done loading AiDatabase in 0.00999999 seconds
    [00:14:28.266] Info: Loading TechDatabase
    [00:14:28.274] Info: Done loading TechDatabase in 0.0079999 seconds
    [00:14:28.274] Info: Loading CodexDatabase
    [00:14:28.399] Info: Done loading CodexDatabase in 0.125 seconds
    [00:14:28.399] Info: Loading BehaviorDatabase
    [00:14:28.463] Info: Done loading BehaviorDatabase in 0.0640001 seconds
    [00:14:28.463] Info: Loading DanceDatabase
    [00:14:28.467] Info: Done loading DanceDatabase in 0.00399995 seconds
    [00:14:28.467] Info: Loading SpawnTypeDatabase
    [00:14:28.472] Info: Done loading SpawnTypeDatabase in 0.00500011 seconds
    [00:14:28.473] Info: Done fully loading Star::Root
    [00:14:28.473] Info: Server Version 'Beta v. Glad Giraffe - Update 2' Revision: 0acd180ec987c3bb9920ecb3adca43a297c91238 Protocol: 711
    [00:14:28.473] Info: Scanning for router for portforwarding
    [00:14:28.473] Info: Done scanning for router for portforwarding
    [00:14:28.474] Info: UniverseServer: Acquiring universe lock file
    [00:14:28.478] Info: UniverseServer: Loading settings
    [00:14:28.482] Info: UniverseServer: No default world set; using randomized starter worlds
    [00:14:28.483] Info: UniverseServer: Starting UniverseServer with UUID: b26c9ce5f09bfa0ea17d7a0ffb214137
    [00:14:32.252] Info: UniverseServer: Connection received from: 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:b4d8:5175:58816
    [00:14:32.846] Info: UniverseServer: Sending Handshake Challenge
    [00:14:32.961] Info: UniverseServer: Logged in account ''phantomlocust'' as player 'Gl1tch' from address 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:b4d8:5175
    [00:14:32.975] Info: UniverseServer: Reviving player at ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [00:14:32.975] Info: UniverseServer: Client 'Gl1tch' <1> (0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:b4d8:5175) connected
    [00:14:32.994] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [00:14:33.569] Error: Could not load image asset '/items/active/unsorted/wateringcan/woodenwateringcanIcon.png', using placeholder default.
    (AssetException) No such asset '/items/active/unsorted/wateringcan/woodenwateringcanIcon.png'
    [00:14:34.264] Info: UniverseServer: Loading celestial world -124852147:-471101523:-136703534:3:3
    [00:14:45.263] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-124852147:-471101523:-136703534:3:3 due to inactivity
    [00:14:45.364] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-124852147:-471101523:-136703534:3:3
    [00:14:49.423] Info: UniverseServer: Loading celestial world -124852147:-471101523:-136703534:3:3
    [00:14:59.933] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f due to inactivity
    [00:15:00.057] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [00:16:15.306] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [00:16:26.417] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-124852147:-471101523:-136703534:3:3 due to inactivity
    [00:16:26.517] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-124852147:-471101523:-136703534:3:3
    [00:17:06.167] Info: UniverseServer: Creating celestial world -124852147:-471101523:-136703534:6 
    [00:17:06.508] Info: Placing dungeon floranhuntinggrounds
    [00:17:06.508] Info: Generating dungeon floranhuntinggrounds (NOT FORCED)
    [00:17:06.516] Info: Placing dungeon at (3413, 1700)
    [00:17:07.389] Info: Placing dungeon floranvillagetower
    [00:17:07.494] Info: Generating dungeon floranvillagetower (NOT FORCED)
    [00:17:07.496] Info: Placing dungeon at (5518, 1700)
    [00:17:08.746] Info: Placing dungeon floranhuntinggrounds
    [00:17:08.746] Info: Generating dungeon floranhuntinggrounds (NOT FORCED)
    [00:17:08.754] Info: Placing dungeon at (1395, 1700)
    [00:17:23.360] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-124852147:-471101523:-136703534:6 due to inactivity
    [00:17:23.460] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-124852147:-471101523:-136703534:6
    [00:21:27.871] Info: UniverseServer: Creating temporary world file for world InstanceWorld:outpost:-:-
    [00:21:27.871] Info: UniverseServer: Creating temporary instance world 'InstanceWorld:outpost:-:-'
    [00:21:27.875] Info: Placing dungeon outpost
    [00:21:28.059] Info: Generating dungeon outpost (NOT FORCED)
    [00:21:28.157] Info: Placing dungeon at (0, 500)
    [00:21:30.229] Info: Protected dungeonIds for world set to (0)
    [00:21:41.474] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f due to inactivity
    [00:21:41.580] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [00:23:25.290] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [00:23:37.008] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world InstanceWorld:outpost:-:- due to inactivity
    [00:23:37.108] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world InstanceWorld:outpost:-:-
    [00:24:38.146] Info: UniverseServer: Creating celestial world -124852116:-471101507:-77762017:6:2 
    [00:24:38.379] Info: Placing dungeon floranvillagetower
    [00:24:38.381] Info: Generating dungeon floranvillagetower (NOT FORCED)
    [00:24:38.383] Info: Placing dungeon at (2722, 1075)
    [00:24:39.850] Info: Placing dungeon aviantomb
    [00:24:40.069] Info: Generating dungeon aviantomb (NOT FORCED)
    [00:24:40.087] Info: Placing dungeon at (1178, 1075)
    [00:24:41.261] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: tombstone11 direction: 1 position: (1150, 923)
    [00:24:41.262] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: tombthing3 direction: 1 position: (1154, 923)
    [00:24:41.347] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: tombthing3 direction: 1 position: (1223, 961)
    [00:24:58.079] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:6:2 due to inactivity
    [00:24:58.179] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:6:2
    [00:33:37.179] Info: UniverseServer: Expiring temporary world InstanceWorld:outpost:-:-
    [00:42:14.818] Info: UniverseServer: Loading celestial world -124852116:-471101507:-77762017:6:2
    [00:42:20.566] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: torch direction: 1 position: (3448, 1169)
    [00:42:25.431] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f due to inactivity
    [00:42:25.533] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [00:43:14.879] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: medievalcandle direction: 1 position: (249, 1093)
    [00:44:45.984] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: torch direction: 1 position: (590, 1103)
    [00:46:41.577] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: medievalcandle direction: 1 position: (731, 1118)
    [00:55:39.582] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [00:55:51.185] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:6:2 due to inactivity
    [00:55:51.285] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:6:2
    [00:55:55.527] Info: UniverseServer: Client 'Gl1tch' <1> (0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:b4d8:5175) disconnected
    [00:55:55.628] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [01:00:11.507] Info: UniverseServer: Connection received from: 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:b4d8:5175:58868
    [01:00:12.112] Info: UniverseServer: Sending Handshake Challenge
    [01:00:12.252] Info: UniverseServer: Logged in account ''phantomlocust'' as player 'Gl1tch' from address 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:b4d8:5175
    [01:00:12.256] Info: UniverseServer: Reviving player at ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [01:00:12.256] Info: UniverseServer: Client 'Gl1tch' <2> (0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:b4d8:5175) connected
    [01:00:12.338] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [01:00:13.592] Info: UniverseServer: Loading celestial world -124852116:-471101507:-77762017:6:2
    [01:00:23.948] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:6:2 due to inactivity
    [01:00:24.048] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:6:2
    [01:01:03.885] Info: UniverseServer: Creating celestial world -124852116:-471101507:-77762017:6:5 
    [01:01:04.368] Info: Placing dungeon humanprison
    [01:01:04.529] Info: Generating dungeon humanprison (NOT FORCED)
    [01:01:04.539] Info: Placing dungeon at (900, 875)
    [01:01:05.581] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: barbedwire direction: 1 position: (1833, 882)
    [01:01:08.074] Info: Protected dungeonIds for world set to (0)
    [01:01:09.966] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: woodsupport direction: 0 position: (2071, 889)
    [01:01:11.730] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: woodenchest direction: 1 position: (1819, 769)
    [01:01:12.052] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: woodenchest direction: 1 position: (1786, 724)
    [01:01:26.248] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:6:5 due to inactivity
    [01:01:26.372] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:6:5
    [01:01:55.162] Info: UniverseServer: Creating celestial world -124852116:-471101507:-77762017:4 
    [01:01:55.370] Info: Placing dungeon glitchsewer
    [01:01:55.623] Info: Generating dungeon glitchsewer (NOT FORCED)
    [01:01:55.628] Info: Placing dungeon at (3607, 1075)
    [01:01:56.466] Info: Placing dungeon apexresearchlab
    [01:01:56.508] Info: Generating dungeon apexresearchlab (NOT FORCED)
    [01:01:56.522] Info: Placing dungeon at (1450, 1075)
    [01:01:56.742] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: apextv direction: 0 position: (1570, 1079)
    [01:01:57.211] Info: Protected dungeonIds for world set to (1)
    [01:02:03.096] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: tombthing4 direction: 1 position: (2923, 928)
    [01:02:03.098] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: tombthing3 direction: 1 position: (2923, 937)
    [01:02:13.970] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:4 due to inactivity
    [01:02:14.082] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:4
    [01:02:34.389] Info: UniverseServer: Loading celestial world -124852116:-471101507:-77762017:4
    [01:02:37.077] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: medievalcandle direction: 1 position: (3035, 1119)
    [01:02:44.940] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f due to inactivity
    [01:02:45.043] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [01:02:45.303] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: medievalcandle direction: 1 position: (3167, 1078)
    [01:03:34.187] Info: Chat: <Gl1tch> /whereami
    [01:04:30.822] Info: Chat: <Gl1tch> /coordinate
    [01:05:42.861] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: tombthing4 direction: 1 position: (3270, 834)
    [01:05:42.863] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: tombthing3 direction: 1 position: (3270, 843)
    [01:08:22.840] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [01:08:34.097] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:4 due to inactivity
    [01:08:34.197] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:4
    [01:08:59.036] Info: UniverseServer: Creating celestial world -124852116:-471101507:-77762017:5:3 
    [01:08:59.380] Info: Placing dungeon apextestchamber
    [01:08:59.499] Info: Generating dungeon apextestchamber (NOT FORCED)
    [01:08:59.507] Info: Placing dungeon at (457, 1075)
    [01:09:01.018] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: apextv direction: 0 position: (538, 1094)
    [01:09:01.069] Info: Protected dungeonIds for world set to (0)
    [01:09:01.069] Info: Placing dungeon avianvillage
    [01:09:01.355] Info: Generating dungeon avianvillage (NOT FORCED)
    [01:09:01.358] Info: Placing dungeon at (2591, 1075)
    [01:09:03.161] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: woodsupport direction: 0 position: (2540, 1080)
    [01:09:03.484] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: avianbanner2 direction: 0 position: (2831, 1092)
    [01:09:19.023] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:5:3 due to inactivity
    [01:09:19.124] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:5:3
    [01:09:42.892] Info: UniverseServer: Loading celestial world -124852116:-471101507:-77762017:5:3
    [01:09:53.567] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f due to inactivity
    [01:09:54.337] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [01:11:42.145] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: prisonshowerdripping direction: 1 position: (3240, 1073)
    Start logging at: 2015-12-16 01:15:16.082
    [01:15:16.082] Info: Star::Root using bootstrap file '/home/steam/steamcmd/starbound/linux64/sbboot.config'
    [01:15:16.082] Info: Star::Root using storage directory '/home/steam/steamcmd/starbound/giraffe_storage'
    [01:15:16.082] Info: Preparing Star::Root...
    [01:15:16.105] Info: Detected mod 'PenaltyNoMore 1.0' at '../giraffe_storage/mods/PenaltyNoMore.modpak'
    [01:15:16.105] Info: Detected mod 'ezglass' at '../giraffe_storage/mods/ezglass/.'
    [01:15:16.105] Info: Loading Configuration with config file: 'starbound.config'
    [01:15:16.105] Info: Loading Star::Configuration from 'Just (./../giraffe_storage/starbound.config)'
    [01:15:16.106] Info: Writing Star::Configuration to './../giraffe_storage/starbound.config'
    [01:15:16.107] Info: Initializing Star::Root with 4 assets sources
    [01:15:16.107] Info: Done preparing Star::Root.
    [01:15:16.107] Info: Loading Assets
    [01:15:16.107] Info: Loading assets from: '../assets/packed.pak'
    [01:15:16.111] Info: Loading assets from: '../assets/user'
    [01:15:16.111] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods/PenaltyNoMore.modpak'
    [01:15:16.111] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods/ezglass/.'
    [01:15:16.494] Info: Done loading Assets in 0.387 seconds
    [01:15:16.494] Info: Loading NameGenerator
    [01:15:16.535] Info: Done loading NameGenerator in 0.0410001 seconds
    [01:15:16.535] Info: Loading ObjectDatabase
    [01:15:20.722] Info: Done loading ObjectDatabase in 4.187 seconds
    [01:15:20.722] Info: Loading PlantDatabase
    [01:15:20.830] Info: Done loading PlantDatabase in 0.108 seconds
    [01:15:20.830] Info: Loading ProjectileDatabase
    [01:15:21.184] Info: Done loading ProjectileDatabase in 0.354 seconds
    [01:15:21.184] Info: Loading MonsterDatabase
    [01:15:21.628] Info: Done loading MonsterDatabase in 0.444 seconds
    [01:15:21.628] Info: Loading NpcDatabase
    [01:15:21.681] Info: Done loading NpcDatabase in 0.053 seconds
    [01:15:21.681] Info: Loading StagehandDatabase
    [01:15:21.682] Info: Done loading StagehandDatabase in 0.000999928 seconds
    [01:15:21.682] Info: Loading VehicleDatabase
    [01:15:21.684] Info: Done loading VehicleDatabase in 0.00200009 seconds
    [01:15:21.684] Info: Loading PlayerFactory
    [01:15:21.687] Info: Done loading PlayerFactory in 0.00300002 seconds
    [01:15:21.687] Info: Loading EntityFactory
    [01:15:21.687] Info: Loading VersioningDatabase
    [01:15:21.687] Info: Done loading VersioningDatabase in 0 seconds
    [01:15:21.687] Info: Done loading EntityFactory in 0 seconds
    [01:15:21.687] Info: Loading ItemDatabase
    [01:15:24.543] Info: Loading ImageMetadataDatabase
    [01:15:24.543] Info: Done loading ImageMetadataDatabase in 0 seconds
    [01:15:29.907] Info: Loading FunctionDatabase
    [01:15:29.921] Info: Done loading FunctionDatabase in 0.0139999 seconds
    [01:15:29.937] Info: Loading ParticleDatabase
    [01:15:30.050] Info: Done loading ParticleDatabase in 0.113 seconds
    [01:15:32.915] Info: Done loading ItemDatabase in 11.228 seconds
    [01:15:32.915] Info: Loading MaterialDatabase
    [01:15:33.064] Info: Done loading MaterialDatabase in 0.149 seconds
    [01:15:33.065] Info: Loading TerrainDatabase
    [01:15:33.101] Info: Done loading TerrainDatabase in 0.036 seconds
    [01:15:33.101] Info: Loading BiomeDatabase
    [01:15:33.192] Info: Done loading BiomeDatabase in 0.0909998 seconds
    [01:15:33.192] Info: Loading LiquidsDatabase
    [01:15:33.194] Info: Done loading LiquidsDatabase in 0.00200009 seconds
    [01:15:33.194] Info: Loading StatusEffectDatabase
    [01:15:33.216] Info: Done loading StatusEffectDatabase in 0.0220001 seconds
    [01:15:33.216] Info: Loading DamageDatabase
    [01:15:33.497] Info: Done loading DamageDatabase in 0.281 seconds
    [01:15:33.497] Info: Loading EffectSourceDatabase
    [01:15:33.517] Info: Done loading EffectSourceDatabase in 0.02 seconds
    [01:15:33.517] Info: Loading TreasureDatabase
    [01:15:33.567] Info: Done loading TreasureDatabase in 0.05 seconds
    [01:15:33.567] Info: Loading DungeonDefinitions
    [01:15:34.071] Info: Done loading DungeonDefinitions in 0.504 seconds
    [01:15:34.071] Info: Loading TilesetDatabase
    [01:15:34.071] Info: Done loading TilesetDatabase in 0 seconds
    [01:15:34.071] Info: Loading EmoteProcessor
    [01:15:34.071] Info: Done loading EmoteProcessor in 0 seconds
    [01:15:34.071] Info: Loading SpeciesDatabase
    [01:15:34.088] Info: Done loading SpeciesDatabase in 0.017 seconds
    [01:15:34.088] Info: Loading QuestTemplateDatabase
    [01:15:34.108] Info: Done loading QuestTemplateDatabase in 0.02 seconds
    [01:15:34.108] Info: Loading AiDatabase
    [01:15:34.128] Info: Done loading AiDatabase in 0.02 seconds
    [01:15:34.128] Info: Loading TechDatabase
    [01:15:34.130] Info: Done loading TechDatabase in 0.00200009 seconds
    [01:15:34.130] Info: Loading CodexDatabase
    [01:15:34.330] Info: Done loading CodexDatabase in 0.2 seconds
    [01:15:34.330] Info: Loading BehaviorDatabase
    [01:15:34.781] Info: Done loading BehaviorDatabase in 0.451 seconds
    [01:15:34.781] Info: Loading DanceDatabase
    [01:15:34.784] Info: Done loading DanceDatabase in 0.00299978 seconds
    [01:15:34.784] Info: Loading SpawnTypeDatabase
    [01:15:34.794] Info: Done loading SpawnTypeDatabase in 0.0100002 seconds
    [01:15:34.795] Info: Done fully loading Star::Root
    [01:15:34.796] Info: Server Version 'Beta v. Glad Giraffe - Update 2' Revision: 0acd180ec987c3bb9920ecb3adca43a297c91238 Protocol: 711
    [01:15:34.796] Info: Scanning for router for portforwarding
    [01:15:34.796] Info: Done scanning for router for portforwarding
    [01:15:34.796] Info: UniverseServer: Acquiring universe lock file
    [01:15:34.811] Info: UniverseServer: Loading settings
    [01:15:34.812] Info: UniverseServer: No default world set; using randomized starter worlds
    [01:15:34.814] Info: UniverseServer: Starting UniverseServer with UUID: b26c9ce5f09bfa0ea17d7a0ffb214137
    [01:15:43.311] Info: UniverseServer: Connection received from: 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:b4d8:5175:58881
    [01:15:43.900] Info: UniverseServer: Sending Handshake Challenge
    [01:15:44.037] Info: UniverseServer: Logged in account ''phantomlocust'' as player 'Gl1tch' from address 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:b4d8:5175
    [01:15:44.041] Info: UniverseServer: Reviving player at ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [01:15:44.041] Info: UniverseServer: Client 'Gl1tch' <1> (0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:b4d8:5175) connected
    [01:15:44.140] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [01:15:45.101] Error: Could not load image asset '/items/active/unsorted/wateringcan/woodenwateringcanIcon.png', using placeholder default.
    (AssetException) No such asset '/items/active/unsorted/wateringcan/woodenwateringcanIcon.png'
    [01:15:45.906] Info: UniverseServer: Loading celestial world -124852116:-471101507:-77762017:5:3
    [01:15:45.907] Warn: SimpleDatabase at device: ./../giraffe_storage/universe/-124852116_-471101507_-77762017_5_3.world was not closed cleanly
    [01:15:45.907] Warn: Recovering SimpleDatabase at device: ./../giraffe_storage/universe/-124852116_-471101507_-77762017_5_3.world
    [01:15:45.911] Warn: Recovery finished
    [01:15:56.894] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:5:3 due to inactivity
    [01:15:56.995] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:5:3
    [01:16:01.920] Info: UniverseServer: Creating temporary world file for world InstanceWorld:outpost:-:-
    [01:16:01.921] Info: UniverseServer: Creating temporary instance world 'InstanceWorld:outpost:-:-'
    [01:16:01.923] Info: Placing dungeon outpost
    [01:16:02.167] Info: Generating dungeon outpost (NOT FORCED)
    [01:16:02.264] Info: Placing dungeon at (0, 500)
    [01:16:04.784] Info: Protected dungeonIds for world set to (0)
    [01:16:16.228] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f due to inactivity
    [01:16:16.348] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [01:16:37.899] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [01:16:48.983] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world InstanceWorld:outpost:-:- due to inactivity
    [01:16:49.083] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world InstanceWorld:outpost:-:-
    [01:17:19.447] Info: UniverseServer: Loading temporary instance world InstanceWorld:outpost:-:-
    [01:17:29.844] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f due to inactivity
    [01:17:29.972] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [01:17:48.710] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [01:17:59.734] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world InstanceWorld:outpost:-:- due to inactivity
    [01:17:59.835] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world InstanceWorld:outpost:-:-
    [01:26:00.466] Info: UniverseServer: Loading temporary instance world InstanceWorld:outpost:-:-
    [01:26:10.769] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f due to inactivity
    [01:26:10.783] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [01:26:42.109] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [01:26:53.289] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world InstanceWorld:outpost:-:- due to inactivity
    [01:26:53.389] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world InstanceWorld:outpost:-:-
    [01:26:56.412] Info: UniverseServer: Loading temporary instance world InstanceWorld:outpost:-:-
    [01:27:06.706] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f due to inactivity
    [01:27:06.810] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [01:27:36.965] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [01:27:48.451] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world InstanceWorld:outpost:-:- due to inactivity
    [01:27:48.555] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world InstanceWorld:outpost:-:-
    [01:29:32.533] Info: UniverseServer: Loading celestial world -124852116:-471101507:-77762017:5:3
    [01:29:43.129] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f due to inactivity
    [01:29:43.360] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [01:30:22.472] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: woodenchest direction: 1 position: (3696, 803)
    [01:30:58.463] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: woodenchest direction: 1 position: (3862, 754)
    [01:34:30.338] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: tombthing1 direction: 1 position: (3905, 351)
    [01:36:17.016] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [01:36:38.466] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f due to inactivity
    [01:36:38.623] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [01:37:48.805] Info: UniverseServer: Expiring temporary world InstanceWorld:outpost:-:-
    [01:47:48.676] Info: UniverseServer: Connection received from: 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:b4d8:4d64:54513
    [01:47:49.554] Info: UniverseServer: Sending Handshake Challenge
    [01:47:49.775] Info: UniverseServer: Logged in account ''sergalbutt'' as player 'Tecui' from address 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:b4d8:4d64
    [01:47:49.787] Info: UniverseServer: Reviving player at ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9
    [01:47:49.787] Info: UniverseServer: Client 'Tecui' <2> (0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:b4d8:4d64) connected
    [01:47:51.273] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9
    [01:47:52.640] Info: UniverseServer: Loading celestial world -480359189:-819116384:-246475352:4
    [01:48:03.571] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-480359189:-819116384:-246475352:4 due to inactivity
    [01:48:03.674] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-480359189:-819116384:-246475352:4
    [01:48:18.143] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /help
    [01:48:27.444] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /war[
    [01:48:28.521] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [01:48:31.731] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /warp
    [01:48:42.059] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:5:3 due to inactivity
    [01:48:42.166] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:5:3
    [01:49:07.548] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /admin
    [01:49:09.658] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /warp
    [01:49:21.905] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /admin
    [01:49:36.448] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9 due to inactivity
    [01:49:36.548] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9
    [01:50:25.781] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /itemid
    [01:50:33.732] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /admin
    [01:52:52.307] Info: UniverseServer: Creating celestial world -124852116:-471101507:-77762017:2:1 
    [01:53:03.528] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:2:1 due to inactivity
    [01:53:03.628] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:2:1
    [01:53:40.411] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /spawnitem simplecapeback 1 '{"colorIndex":1}'
    [01:53:47.656] Info: UniverseServer: Loading celestial world -124852116:-471101507:-77762017:2:1
    [01:53:53.023] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /warp
    [01:54:05.031] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: hazardtapeh direction: 1 position: (3873, 773)
    [01:54:05.031] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: hazardtapeh direction: 1 position: (3874, 773)
    [01:54:05.031] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: hazardtapeh direction: 1 position: (3905, 773)
    [01:54:05.031] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: hazardtapeh direction: 1 position: (3906, 773)
    [01:54:31.931] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:2:1 due to inactivity
    [01:54:32.033] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:2:1
    [01:55:02.073] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /admin
    [01:56:27.414] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /spawnitem simplecapeback 1 '{"colorIndex":10}'
    [01:56:33.645] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /admin
    [01:56:36.256] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /spawnitem simplecapeback 1 '{"colorIndex":10}'
    [01:56:44.537] Info: UniverseServer: Loading celestial world -480359193:-819116396:41014305:4:5
    [01:56:44.546] Warn: SimpleDatabase at device: ./../giraffe_storage/universe/-480359193_-819116396_41014305_4_5.world was not closed cleanly
    [01:56:44.546] Warn: Recovering SimpleDatabase at device: ./../giraffe_storage/universe/-480359193_-819116396_41014305_4_5.world
    [01:56:44.784] Warn: Recovery finished
    [01:56:53.647] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9
    [01:57:04.396] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-480359193:-819116396:41014305:4:5 due to inactivity
    [01:57:04.498] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-480359193:-819116396:41014305:4:5
    [01:57:33.454] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [01:57:36.861] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [01:57:36.862] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [01:57:37.461] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [01:57:37.464] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [01:57:38.858] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [01:57:38.858] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [01:57:40.041] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [01:57:40.041] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [01:57:40.591] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [01:57:40.591] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [01:57:42.075] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [01:59:35.574] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /admin
    [02:00:10.964] Error: Could not instantiate item '[hwt_freehead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'hwt_freehead'
    [02:00:12.913] Error: Could not instantiate item '[hwt_freehead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'hwt_freehead'
    [02:00:12.913] Error: Could not instantiate item '[hwt_freehead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'hwt_freehead'
    [02:00:13.546] Error: Could not instantiate item '[hwt_freehead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'hwt_freehead'
    [02:00:13.546] Error: Could not instantiate item '[hwt_freehead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'hwt_freehead'
    [02:00:24.344] Error: Could not instantiate item '[hwt_freehead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'hwt_freehead'
    [02:00:24.348] Error: Could not instantiate item '[hwt_freehead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'hwt_freehead'
    [02:00:33.946] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9 due to inactivity
    [02:00:34.046] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9
    [02:00:56.608] Info: UniverseServer: Loading celestial world -124852116:-471101507:-77762017:2:1
    [02:00:56.810] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /admin
    [02:01:32.475] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [02:01:36.608] Error: Could not instantiate item '[hwt_freehead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'hwt_freehead'
    [02:01:36.608] Error: Could not instantiate item '[hwt_freehead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'hwt_freehead'
    [02:01:37.491] Error: Could not instantiate item '[hwt_freehead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'hwt_freehead'
    [02:01:40.660] Error: Could not instantiate item '[hwt_freehead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'hwt_freehead'
    [02:01:40.660] Error: Could not instantiate item '[hwt_freehead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'hwt_freehead'
    [02:01:42.177] Error: Could not instantiate item '[hwt_freehead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'hwt_freehead'
    [02:01:42.611] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [02:01:42.611] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [02:01:43.362] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [02:01:43.362] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [02:01:54.836] Error: Could not instantiate item '[hwt_freehead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'hwt_freehead'
    [02:01:54.860] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [02:01:54.862] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [02:02:03.659] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f due to inactivity
    [02:02:03.742] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [02:02:17.024] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [02:02:17.025] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [02:02:17.938] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [02:02:29.467] Error: Could not instantiate item '[hwt_freehead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'hwt_freehead'
    [02:02:29.467] Error: Could not instantiate item '[hwt_freehead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'hwt_freehead'
    [02:02:30.272] Error: Could not instantiate item '[hwt_freehead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'hwt_freehead'
    [02:02:31.461] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [02:02:31.461] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [02:02:32.153] Error: Could not instantiate item '[starterhiddenclothinghead, 1, {}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'starterhiddenclothinghead'
    [02:05:24.157] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [02:06:56.247] Warn: Dungeon wire endpoint not found. (3969, 413)
    [02:06:56.247] Warn: Dungeon wires did not make a circuit.
    [02:07:21.265] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: midjar1 direction: 1 position: (75, 361)
    [02:07:58.329] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9
    [02:07:58.538] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f due to inactivity
    [02:07:58.890] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [02:08:56.801] Info: Chat: <Tecui> /admin
    [02:09:08.934] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: midjar1 direction: 1 position: (644, 328)
    [02:14:20.511] Info: UniverseServer: Creating celestial world -480359203:-819116380:-116811164:4:4 
    [02:14:20.970] Info: Placing dungeon floranvillagetower
    [02:14:21.378] Info: Generating dungeon floranvillagetower (NOT FORCED)
    [02:14:21.382] Info: Placing dungeon at (2429, 875)
    [02:14:22.585] Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: floranbonestool direction: 0 position: (2477, 962)
    [02:14:37.605] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-480359203:-819116380:-116811164:4:4 due to inactivity
    [02:14:37.707] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-480359203:-819116380:-116811164:4:4
    [02:15:29.310] Info: UniverseServer: Loading celestial world -480359203:-819116380:-116811164:4:4
    [02:15:40.152] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9 due to inactivity
    [02:15:40.355] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9
    [02:18:56.533] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [02:19:08.474] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:2:1 due to inactivity
    [02:19:08.536] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-124852116:-471101507:-77762017:2:1
    [02:21:00.706] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:1db80745e900be34d03f20e335cb9fa9
    [02:21:12.239] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world CelestialWorld:-480359203:-819116380:-116811164:4:4 due to inactivity
    [02:21:12.340] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world CelestialWorld:-480359203:-819116380:-116811164:4:4
    [02:22:09.670] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f due to inactivity
    [02:22:09.770] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:8989a8bce6df54fc17718cf09686701f
    [02:22:53.823] Info: UniverseServer: Loading celestial world -480359203:-819116380:-116811164:4:4

    The current starbound_server.log and starbound_server.log.4 are irrelevant here, the former because the server is running at the moment, and the latter because it was a graceful shutdown/reload to add a user to the allowed list
  2. Dunto

    Dunto Guest

    It could be a VPS protection mechanism, but that's not very likely as it would be easier for them to kill off the entire process or (more common) suspend/shutdown your VPS entirely if it's causing issues on the node. I noticed from the logs that you have mods installed, you should remove them, delete the universe.chunks file, and try to visit one of the worlds that you had an issue with before (you may also need to delete that planet's .world file). If it works, then it's one or more of your mods and you'll need to contact the mod author(s) for support.

    If you're still having issues, use the "tee" utility to split off a copy of your console output to a file for logging.
  3. sergalbutt

    sergalbutt Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Okay! I created a completely new, completely vanilla install so I shall log the console and see if it crashes again
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