I was wondering whether we would be able to get an archive of past or future chat sessions since I am unable to ever make the chat due to timezone and would still like to know what happens. Cheers
For the next chat sessions I will make sure to save the logs and post them. BTW, I'll be sending out an email to all backers this week because we have to delay this month's chat by one week because 2/3 of us will be at a convention (which we hope to be able to announce soon). Also, I'm thinking about switching the times for the chat each month as well, so more people can join us. What timezone are you in? Thanks!
Thanks heaps always nice to get a dev response on forums :O You being at a convention means double the info though right? [unless you're indulging in others products that is] I am in UTC+8 which is Western Australia and Hong Kong, so not worth catering for Thanks heaps for the reply, means a lot
Thanks for the email to all your backers Can't wait for the public demo Unfortunately I probably won't make the chat session despite it being actually pretty reasonable for once [ 6am the next day] but i look forward to the logs to read that morning
Here's something to show the time/date in your place for the next stream session (9.November2013): World Time Clock Thing Seems perfect for me in Germany (23pm). Think I'm going to make it
Yeah, especially since it seems to calculate all the various Daylight Savings set-ups and whatelse might occur in the meantime.
So who is in tonight's Chat Session? I think I can make it! I'm quite excited what stories you have to share about the Minecon. And I hope to get some details when we will be able to play the public demo. Seeyou all tonight =)
I tried to make it but i arrived 5hrs too early and it was late enough so i slept Eagerly awaiting the log postings of the chat
Here's this month's backer's only chat logs: http://pastebin.com/X4jhUH8p Had a lot of fun chatting with the fans. They are always such nice people. I had to leave towards the end, but Christine and Robert stuck around and answered a bunch of questions about the art and music. Enjoy! Hope everyone can attend next month (1st Saturday of December).
Thanks heaps for that log Just reading it makes me wanna have been there QQ Will definitely be trying to make the next one!
Here's this week's (12/7/13) chat log: http://pastebin.com/yy7fz12G We stray off topic quite a bit, but there's some info about the demo, screen resolution options and some talk about music.
I've been bad about keeping the chat logs updated but I did manage to remember this month: http://pastebin.com/q1bxn3DV
Thanks for posting this and continual posting to this thread when things happen Unfortunately i have been unable to make a single one due to the TZ
Here's the chat log for April - I had a remove a couple of things because they are SECRET! but we should be able to announce them very soon http://pastebin.com/3Jeb1qev
We had to cancel a few backer's chats because of vacation but we're back this month! Check out the logs here: http://pastebin.com/6D0ua0mW