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Bug/Issue Multiplayer Co-Op - Buildings Bug - No Demolish/Move

Discussion in 'Support' started by CocoaCutie, May 5, 2018.

  1. CocoaCutie

    CocoaCutie Aquatic Astronaut

    Me and my friend are playing, and I put down a coop. He doesn't like where it is so I say "Let's get it moved". Next day he goes to robbin to find there is no move option, nor can we demolish the building. The options just do not show up for him or me. He is hosting.
    • coffeediction

      coffeediction Yeah, You!

      This happened to me and my gf aswell, after we made Robin upgrade Barn and Coop at the same time.
      • Tako

        Tako Void-Bound Voyager

        There was a post some time ago that said the devs purposely removed it as they fixed an issue when moving a building another player is using. Dunno if they re-activated it since then.
        • alexopossum

          alexopossum Void-Bound Voyager

          This happened to me and my bf, but we hadn't built anything recently. Just one day in-game we went to move a cabin and there was no option anymore.
          • mandee33

            mandee33 Space Hobo

            move option not there
            • ceera_rayhne

              ceera_rayhne Void-Bound Voyager


              If you need to demo a cabin and rebuild it the workaround is to open the world via the Load button in single player. You can then go to Robin to click the demo button. And then you can rebuild cabins from the build building options.
              • Zirial

                Zirial Space Hobo

                Yupp, just started MP farm with two buddies a few days ago. Found out today neither of can move or demolish a building.
                • Numpty85

                  Numpty85 Space Spelunker

                  I've found, as host, that I can load the multiplayer save in singleplayer, go to Robin, move stuff around, and then my farmhand can rejoin my farm once the day has saved and we load co-op the next day.

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