So I'm trying to make a different type of space station you can spawn in with a custom station transponder, but for some reason it won't register the custom background or Icon in game (I'll get to the actual interior later). Is there something I did wrong in the custom placestation.lua? the placeceresstation.Lua itself. Code: require "/interface/cockpit/cockpitview.lua" require "/interface/cockpit/cockpitutil.lua" playerstation -- engine callbacks function init() View:init() self.clickEvents = {} self.state = FSM:new() self.state:set(connectState) self.system = celestial.currentSystem() self.sounds = config.getParameter("sounds") self.padding = root.assetJson("/systemworld.config:clientObjectSpawnPadding") -- extra padding to give some wiggle room self.extraPadding = config.getParameter("extraOrbitPadding") pane.playSound( end function dismissed() for soundName,sound in pairs(self.sounds) do if soundName ~= "success" then pane.stopAllSounds(sound) end end end function update(dt) self.canvasFocused = widget.hasFocus("consoleScreenCanvas") if not world.sendEntityMessage(, "holdingTransponder"):result() then pane.dismiss() end if not compare(self.system, celestial.currentSystem()) then self.state:set(connectState) end self.state:update(dt) end function toggleConfigure() pane.playSound(self.sounds.configure) widget.setVisible("configure", true) widget.focus("") end function configurationChanged() -- play every other change = not if then pane.playSound(self.sounds.typing) end end function saveConfiguration() local name = widget.getText("") local description = widget.getText("configure.description") if name ~= "" and description ~= "" then self.configuration = { name = name, description = description } = widget.getText("") self.configuration.description = widget.getText("configure.description") widget.setVisible("configure", false) widget.setVisible("toggleConfigure", true) widget.setVisible("nameLabel", true) widget.setText("nameLabel", config.getParameter("nameLabel") widget.setVisible("descriptionLabel", true) widget.setText("descriptionLabel", config.getParameter("descriptionLabel")..description) widget.focus("consoleScreenCanvas") end end function canvasClickEvent(position, button, isButtonDown) if self.canvasFocused then table.insert(self.clickEvents, {position, button, isButtonDown}) end end function takeInputEvents() local clicks = self.clickEvents self.clickEvents = {} return clicks end -- states function connectState() local dotCycle = config.getParameter("dotCycle") widget.setVisible("coordinateLabel", false); local connect = config.getParameter("connect") local dotTimer = 0.0 local dots = function() local d = "" for i = 1, math.floor(dotTimer / (dotCycle / 4)) do d = d .. "." end return d end util.wait(connect.connectTime, function() dotTimer = (dotTimer + script.updateDt()) % dotCycle widget.setText("connectingLabel", string.format("%s%s", connect.connectText, dots())) end) if player.worldId() == player.ownShipWorldId() then local system = celestial.currentSystem() local planets = {} util.wait(connect.successTime, function() dotTimer = (dotTimer + script.updateDt()) % dotCycle widget.setText("connectingLabel", string.format("%s\n%s%s", connect.connectText, connect.successText, dots())) planets = celestial.children(system) end) while #celestial.children(system) == 0 do coroutine.yield() end widget.setText("connectingLabel", config.getParameter("connectedText")) self.state:set(placeState, system, planets) else pane.playSound(self.sounds.error) widget.setText("connectingLabel", string.format("%s\n%s", connect.connectText, connect.failText)) while true do coroutine.yield() end end end function placeState(system, planets) widget.setVisible("configure", true) widget.focus("") widget.setVisible("coordinateLabel", true); local coordinateText = config.getParameter("coordinateText") local connectedText = config.getParameter("connectedText") View:reset() View:setCamera("system", {0, 0}, View:systemScale(system)) local dotTimer = 0 local lastValid = false while true do dotTimer = (dotTimer + script.updateDt()) % 0.5 local dot = dotTimer > (0.5 / 2) and "." or "" widget.setText("connectingLabel", connectedText .. dot) View.canvas:clear() local mousePos = View:mousePosition() local selectPosition = View:toSystem(mousePos) widget.setText("coordinateLabel", string.format(coordinateText, math.floor(selectPosition[1]), math.floor(selectPosition[2]))) local selectDistance = vec2.mag(selectPosition) local validDistance = true local color = {150, 150, 150} local starSize = celestial.planetSize(system) / 2 if selectDistance < starSize + self.padding + self.extraPadding then validDistance = false end local maxOrbit = 0 for _,planet in pairs(planets) do local orbit = vec2.mag(celestial.planetPosition(planet)) local width = (celestial.clusterSize(planet) / 2) if orbit + width + (self.padding * 2) > maxOrbit then maxOrbit = orbit + width + (self.padding * 2) end if math.abs(selectDistance - orbit) < width + self.padding + self.extraPadding then validDistance = false end end if selectDistance > maxOrbit then validDistance = false end for _,uuid in pairs(celestial.systemObjects()) do local objectConfig = celestial.objectTypeConfig(celestial.objectType(uuid)) if objectConfig.permanent then local orbit = vec2.mag(celestial.objectPosition(uuid)) if math.abs(selectDistance - orbit) < self.padding + self.extraPadding then validDistance = false end end end renderOrbits(system, planets, celestial.systemObjects(), self.padding + self.extraPadding, true) if self.configuration and self.canvasFocused then renderSelection(mousePos, selectDistance, validDistance) if not lastValid and validDistance then pane.playSound(self.sounds.valid) end end lastValid = validDistance for _,click in pairs(takeInputEvents()) do if self.configuration then local position, button, down = click[1], click[2], click[3] if button == 0 and down and validDistance then return self.state:set(deployState, system, planets, selectPosition) end end end coroutine.yield() end end function deployState(system, planets, deployPosition) widget.setVisible("toggleConfigure", false) local sequence = config.getParameter("deploySequence") local sequenceText = config.getParameter("deployingText") local dotCycle = config.getParameter("dotCycle") local objectRect = config.getParameter("objectRect") local orbit = vec2.mag(deployPosition) * View.systemCamera.scale local points = 4 * math.sqrt(orbit) local dotTimer = 0.0 local dots = function() local d = "" for i = 1, math.floor(dotTimer / (dotCycle / 4)) do d = d .. "." end return d end pane.playSound(self.sounds.dispatch, -1) util.wait(sequence.dispatching, function() View.canvas:clear() dotTimer = (dotTimer + script.updateDt()) % dotCycle widget.setText("connectingLabel", sequenceText.dispatching .. dots()) View.canvas:clear() renderOrbits(system, planets, celestial.systemObjects(), self.padding + self.extraPadding, false) View.canvas:drawPoly(circle(orbit, points, View:sToScreen({0, 0})), {0, 255, 0}) end) pane.stopAllSounds(self.sounds.dispatch) local probeStart = vec2.withAngle(math.random() * math.pi * 2, View.settings.viewRadius * 2 / View.systemCamera.scale) local timer = 0 pane.playSound(self.sounds.launch, -1) util.wait(sequence.traveling, function() timer = timer + script.updateDt() View.canvas:clear() dotTimer = (dotTimer + script.updateDt()) % dotCycle widget.setText("connectingLabel", sequenceText.traveling .. dots()) View.canvas:clear() renderOrbits(system, planets, celestial.systemObjects(), self.padding + self.extraPadding, false) View.canvas:drawPoly(circle(orbit, points, View:sToScreen({0, 0})), {0, 255, 0}) local ratio = 1 - ((1 - (timer / sequence.traveling)) ^ 2) local pos = vec2.add(probeStart, vec2.mul(vec2.sub(deployPosition, probeStart), ratio)) View.canvas:drawRect(rect.translate(objectRect, View:sToScreen(pos)), "white") end) pane.stopAllSounds(self.sounds.launch) timer = 0 local lastRatio = 1 local uuid = nil local deployed = false local blinkTime = config.getParameter("deployBlinkTime") while true do timer = timer + script.updateDt() dotTimer = (dotTimer + script.updateDt()) % dotCycle widget.setText("connectingLabel", sequenceText.deploying .. dots()) View.canvas:clear() renderOrbits(system, planets, celestial.systemObjects(), self.padding + self.extraPadding, false) View.canvas:drawRect(rect.translate(objectRect, View:sToScreen(deployPosition)), "white") local ratio = (timer / blinkTime) % 1.0 ratio = 1 - ((1 - ratio) ^ 2) -- play deploy sound each time the timer loops if ratio < lastRatio then pane.playSound(self.sounds.deploy) end lastRatio = ratio local orbit = 20 * ratio View.canvas:drawPoly(circle(orbit, 4 * math.sqrt(orbit), View:sToScreen(deployPosition)), {255, 255, 255, (1 -ratio) * 255}, 0.5) if timer > sequence.deploying then if not deployed then local parameters = { displayName =, description = self.configuration.description } uuid = celestial.systemSpawnObject("playerceresstation", deployPosition, nil, parameters) deployed = true end if uuid and celestial.objectPosition(uuid) ~= nil then world.sendEntityMessage(, "setTransponderConsumed") break end end if timer > sequence.deployFailure then break end coroutine.yield() end if uuid and celestial.objectPosition(uuid) ~= nil then pane.playSound(self.sounds.complete) pane.playSound(self.sounds.success) widget.setText("connectingLabel", sequenceText.deployed) util.wait(2.0, function() View.canvas:clear() renderOrbits(system, planets, celestial.systemObjects(), self.padding + self.extraPadding, false) end) world.sendEntityMessage(, "consumeTransponder") while true do coroutine.yield() end else widget.setText("connectingLabel", sequenceText.error) widget.setFontColor("connectingLabel", config.getParameter("errorColor")) pane.playSound(self.sounds.error) util.wait(4.0, function() View.canvas:clear() renderOrbits(system, planets, celestial.systemObjects(), self.padding + self.extraPadding, false) View.canvas:drawPoly(circle(orbit, points, View:sToScreen({0, 0})), {255, 0, 0}) end) pane.dismiss() coroutine.yield() end end function renderOrbits(system, planets, objects, padding, withDeadzones) local objectRect = config.getParameter("objectRect") local color = {150, 150, 150} local starSize = celestial.planetSize(system) / 2 + self.padding + self.extraPadding View.canvas:drawTriangles(fillCircle(starSize * View.systemCamera.scale, 20, View:sToScreen({0, 0})), color) for _,planet in pairs(planets) do local planetPosition = celestial.planetPosition(planet) local size = celestial.planetSize(planet) / 2 local orbit = vec2.mag(planetPosition) * View.systemCamera.scale local width = celestial.clusterSize(planet) + padding * 2 if withDeadzones then View.canvas:drawTriangles(wideCircle(orbit, 5 * math.sqrt(orbit), width * View.systemCamera.scale, View:sToScreen({0, 0})), {40, 0, 0, 255}) end View.canvas:drawPoly(poly.translate(circle(orbit, 4 * math.sqrt(orbit)), View:sToScreen({0, 0})), color, 1.0) View.canvas:drawTriangles(fillCircle(size * View.systemCamera.scale, 12, View:sToScreen(planetPosition)), color) for _,moon in pairs(celestial.children(planet)) do local size = celestial.planetSize(moon) / 2 local moonPosition = celestial.planetPosition(moon) local orbit = vec2.mag(vec2.sub(moonPosition, planetPosition)) * View.systemCamera.scale View.canvas:drawPoly(poly.translate(circle(orbit, 4 * math.sqrt(orbit)), View:sToScreen(planetPosition)), color, 0.5) View.canvas:drawTriangles(fillCircle(size, 6, View:sToScreen(celestial.planetPosition(moon))), color) end end for _,uuid in pairs(celestial.systemObjects()) do local objectConfig = celestial.objectTypeConfig(celestial.objectType(uuid)) if objectConfig.permanent then local position = celestial.objectPosition(uuid) local orbit = vec2.mag(position) * View.systemCamera.scale local width = padding * 2 if withDeadzones then View.canvas:drawTriangles(wideCircle(orbit, 5 * math.sqrt(orbit), width * View.systemCamera.scale, View:sToScreen({0, 0})), {40, 0, 0, 255}) end View.canvas:drawPoly(poly.translate(circle(orbit, 4 * math.sqrt(orbit)), View:sToScreen({0, 0})), "white", 0.5) View.canvas:drawRect(rect.translate(objectRect, View:sToScreen(position)), "white") end end end function renderSelection(mousePos, selectDistance, validSelection) local objectRect = config.getParameter("objectRect") local color if validSelection then color = {0, 255, 0, 255} else color = {255, 0, 0, 255} end View.canvas:drawPoly(circle(selectDistance * View.systemCamera.scale, 40, View:sToScreen({0, 0})), color, 1.0) View.canvas:drawLine({0, mousePos[2]}, {View.windowSize[1], mousePos[2]}, {255, 255, 255, 255}) View.canvas:drawLine({mousePos[1], 0}, {mousePos[1], View.windowSize[2]}, {255, 255, 255, 255}) View.canvas:drawRect(rect.translate(objectRect, mousePos), "white") end the system_objects.config i put in. Code: "playerceresstation" : { "warpAction" : "InstanceWorld:playerceresstation", "threatLevel" : 1, "skyParameters" : { "seed" : 0, "horizonClouds" : false, "horizonImages" : [ { "left": "/celestial/system/spacestation/ceres/ceresstationhorizonleft.png", "right": "/celestial/system/spacestation/ceres/ceresstationhorizonright.png" } ] }, "permanent" : true, "moving" : false, "speed" : 5.0, "orbitRange" : [10, 10], "lifeTime" : [0, 0], "parameters" : { "icon" : "/celestial/system/spacestation/ceres/ceresstationicon.png", "displayName" : "Personal Space Station", "description" : "This personal space station was deployed by a fellow adventurer. They probably have good stuff to steal.", "bookmarkIcon" : "spacestation" } }, The instance_world.config I put in. Code: "playerceresstation" : { "type" : "FloatingDungeon", "dungeonWorld" : "playerceresstation", "spawningEnabled" : false, "beamUpRule" : "Anywhere", "disableDeathDrops" : true, "persistent" : true, "useUniverseClock" : true, "skyParameters" : { "dayLength" : 10000, "surfaceLevel" : 1000, "spaceLevel" : 3000, "seed" : -5288806180628666923, "skyType" : "barren", "skyColoring" : { "mainColor" : [200, 200, 255], "morningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], "dayColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], "eveningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], "nightColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], "morningLightColor" : [120, 120, 120], "dayLightColor" : [120, 120, 120], "eveningLightColor" : [120, 120, 120], "nightLightColor" : [120, 120, 120] } } }, And finally the dungeon_worlds.config I put in. (it is using the current playerstation dungeon for now) Code: "playerceresstation" : { "primaryDungeon" : "playerstation", "threatLevel" : 6, "gravity" : 0, "airless" : true, "worldSize" : [1650, 500], "dungeonBaseHeight" : 300, "dungeonSurfaceHeight" : 300, "ambientLightLevel" : [32, 32, 32], "ambientNoises" : "/sfx/environmental/space_loop4.ogg", "musicTrack" : "/music/jupiter.ogg", "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"], "worldEdgeForceRegions" : "TopAndBottom", "biome" : "space" },