NPC NPC Musicians for the new Novakid Saloons!

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by flogenos, Aug 8, 2015.

  1. flogenos

    flogenos Void-Bound Voyager

    The Novakid look like they're going to be fully implemented in the next version, and I was thinking it would be neat to implement NPC musicians that play music. There could also be other bards throughout the universe playing their songs, but a I just thought the idea of a novakid playing the blues on a banjo inside the saloon would be super neat.
    Nemasys and Beatrice like this.
  2. AliasPseudonym

    AliasPseudonym Big Damn Hero

    The saloon furniture piano thing already gets played by NPCs, which is pretty cool, but I think this is also a great idea! Maybe buying instruments from NPCs as well, or even playing music together...
  3. ClericAngelBob

    ClericAngelBob Aquatic Astronaut

    The only problem with the piano is that it just plays a short tune and then stops whether the play or NPC is still sitting there or not, but if NPC's could just play their own instruments, it would be a lot better. If each race had different instruments they could spawn with, as well as each race having their own list of songs they could play?

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