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RELEASED Ore Plants+ (RAM's version) 1.65 fix

Converts stuff into seeds. Farm stuff!

  1. greenRAM

    greenRAM Giant Laser Beams

  2. RedCore22

    RedCore22 Void-Bound Voyager

  3. greenRAM

    greenRAM Giant Laser Beams

    What do you mean? This should be compatible with both of those mods. I don't think I'd want to add any plants for those mods though because I personally don't play with them.
  4. RedCore22

    RedCore22 Void-Bound Voyager

    The Inkling mod allows you to play as a Inkling, as well as add plenty of new items. Honestly fun in my regards

    The Alchemy mod allows you to make various items using an old and ancient art once forgotten. Definitely better than a mere aromatherapy station
  5. Profound_Darkness

    Profound_Darkness Void-Bound Voyager

    Had an error while harvesting a plant. The harvestpool for fishinabonet0Harvest002 didn't exist. Adding a line with said harvest pool to cropharvest.treasurepools.patch in "Ore Plants+ (RAMs version) v1.57" package fixed the problem for me.
  6. greenRAM

    greenRAM Giant Laser Beams

    I see. I'll include the fix in the next update. Thanks for letting me know.
  7. Profound_Darkness

    Profound_Darkness Void-Bound Voyager

    Kept getting cinnabar seeds from ore plants with none planted. Looking around found that 'Ore Plants+ (seed drop addon)' package has "cinnabaroreseed" being attached to "densiniumoreHarvest" pool. True for all tiers of densinium ore seeds in 'cropharvest.treasurepools.patch'.
  8. greenRAM

    greenRAM Giant Laser Beams

    greenRAM updated Ore Plants+ (RAM's version) with a new update entry:


    Read the rest of this update entry...
  9. greenRAM

    greenRAM Giant Laser Beams

    I see. I'll include a fix for that in the next update.
  10. greenRAM

    greenRAM Giant Laser Beams

    greenRAM updated Ore Plants+ (RAM's version) with a new update entry:

    v1.60 Food items done!

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  11. Starstorms21

    Starstorms21 Space Spelunker

    uh im getting a crash on startup with ver 1.60, it says that the 'glitchrainmaker2000' item doesn't exist, what do i do? (BTW i used to play in a really old version of the mod so i am thinking it has something to do with that.) anyways, all help would be appreciated. Heres the log too

    Attached Files:

  12. Legogod

    Legogod Cosmic Narwhal

    Your copy of Starbound is out of date and you installed the compatibility patch for the 'Uros IV' ship replacer from the folder without having the ship replacer itself. Remove 'Ore Plants+ (Uros IV (RAM's version) addon)' to remove the errors. The CTD is not caused by one of greenRAM's works; I suspect it has something to do with Pandora's Box.
  13. Starstorms21

    Starstorms21 Space Spelunker

    thanks, ill look more into it!
  14. CopperBoltwire

    CopperBoltwire Subatomic Cosmonaut

    In titanium Ore T2 (i think it's T2... or maybe T1...) the duration <code> "duration" : [600, 440] </code> exists.
    Now, i'm not modding guru or the like... but either that should be backwards, or you meant that to be <code> "duration" : [400, 440] </code>.
    Trying to be a little bit logical about it: Saying something like "I'll be there in 10 to 5 minutes" ... what?
    Now, just so you know, the game does not seem to have any issues with this. Maybe it can read the durations both ways?
    Either way, thought i'd pop in here and let ya know.
  15. greenRAM

    greenRAM Giant Laser Beams

  16. CopperBoltwire

    CopperBoltwire Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I wish you would be a little more specific with what changes you make, like what plants or things you fix so i don't haft to do a massive update of my mod each time... just sayin...
  17. Deku-Miguel

    Deku-Miguel Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    So got another bug. Seems when harvesting "Burning Eyeball" plants, at least the tier 0 ones, I'll get, "Incoming client packet has caused exception."

    UPDATE: It seems that the upgraded Burning Eyeball plant doesn't fair any better.

    In addition I found a few more bugs.

    Pizzap Slice Seeds are invisible, there is no icon or sprite or anything associated with it.

    Also "Hot Hot Hotpot Seeds" are instead called "Coralcreep Curry Seeds" and have a matching description, despite the icons being right.

    EDIT2: The Tropical Punch Maid uses a description for Bottled Healing Water.

    EDIT3: The Ultimate Compound Seed will still give you Cerulium Compound, presumably the Ultimate Ore Seed would also give Cerulium Ore... this is probably not intentional.
    Last edited: May 22, 2018
    greenRAM likes this.
  18. greenRAM

    greenRAM Giant Laser Beams

    Last edited: May 30, 2018
  19. CrowGearsG

    CrowGearsG Big Damn Hero

    may i say a glitch that conflicts the universal uncrafter mod which once you put a copper bar seed it turns it into 10 copper bar and if i do vice versa it dupes the seed (2 seeds)

    btw : using the latest version
  20. Legogod

    Legogod Cosmic Narwhal

    Intended functionality of the Universal Uncrafter recipe selection. Not GreenRAM's responsibility to work around it.

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