Before I found this mod, I would sit here and I'd have problems playing sometimes. I have ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) so this mod is a godsend. This mod really helps me because I can get the ores I need and not have to worry about how long it'll take to get to them or to mine them. Thank you so much for making this mod. I really mean that. You are awesome. ^.^
I'm having a problem, I've downloaded your mod but it won't spawn a hyper crafting table, only spawns a generic green block. Please help
apinanaivot updated Overpowered weapons & tools with a new update entry: 2.0 Update Read the rest of this update entry...
i dont understand how to activate this mod. can someone give step by step instructions in laymans terms.
Did you unpack the zip and put the folder to /mods? Also you can try downloading from Steam Workshop.
Um i'm having a issue? i got starbound about idk a few days? ago? and i downloaded your mod, because idk just to test op stuff out... and i installed the mod... did the commands... and got the workbench... but when i tried to open the workbench... it crashed... and said exception caught in client main-loop (asset exception) error loading asset /interface/crafting/anvil.png I looked around and found a forum just talking about it saying its a mod issue... i'm using the latest version... i can still load my save... but everytime i open the thing... it just crashes and says that... (still can repeat process... left workbench alone for now... until you had a idea? to fix it?)
with the God potion you use after crafting it, is there anyway to just allow it to give you just the super health regen, energy regen, and removed hunger without the thorn things the the visual effect on the character/sprite? I love the mod itself.
How can i turn off a few of the effects of the God Mode potion? Such as Run Boost (makes flames behind), thorns, and jump boost? Is there a way to turn off the visual effects so we don't see the flames from run boost and feathers from Safe fall?
I asked this in a comment in the Steamworkshop: Can you make a separate Invincible consumable except with less effects and possibly make it permanent for the character like they do for the augments with EPP? A permanent character effect or whatever. If the consumable is permanent and unlimited that would be cool. Go from this: { "itemName" : "invulnerable", "rarity" : "Common", "inventoryIcon" : "invulnerable.png", "description" : "Makes you an immortal god. (The only way to die is /suicide command.)", "shortdescription" : "Godmode", "effects" : [ [ { "effect" : "invulnerable", "duration" : 200000 }, { "effect" : "maxprotection", "duration" : 200000 }, { "effect" : "regenerationfast", "duration" : 200000 }, { "effect" : "antidote", "duration" : 200000 }, { "effect" : "antidote", "duration" : 200000 }, { "effect" : "energyregen", "duration" : 200000 }, { "effect" : "thorns", "duration" : 200000 }, { "effect" : "nofalldamage", "duration" : 200000 }, { "effect" : "jumpboost", "duration" : 200000 }, { "effect" : "runboost", "duration" : 200000 }, { "effect" : "dontstarve", "duration" : 200000 }, { "effect" : "liquidimmunity", "duration" : 200000 } ] ], "emote" : "", "emitters" : [ "bandageuse" ], "blockingEffects" : [ "bandage1", "bandage2", "bandage3", "bandage4", "bandage5", "bandage6" ] } To this: { "itemName" : "invulnerable", "rarity" : "Common", "inventoryIcon" : "invulnerable.png", "description" : "Makes you an immortal god. (The only way to die is /suicide command.)", "shortdescription" : "Godmode", "effects" : [ [ { "effect" : "maxprotection", "duration" : 200000 }, { "effect" : "regenerationfast", "duration" : 200000 }, { "effect" : "antidote", "duration" : 200000 }, { "effect" : "antidote", "duration" : 200000 }, { "effect" : "energyregen", "duration" : 200000 }, { "effect" : "nofalldamage", "duration" : 200000 }, { "effect" : "dontstarve", "duration" : 200000 }, { "effect" : "liquidimmunity", "duration" : 200000 } ] ], "emote" : "", "emitters" : [ "bandageuse" ], "blockingEffects" : [ "bandage1", "bandage2", "bandage3", "bandage4", "bandage5", "bandage6" ] } Please let me know or maybe a hint of doing it myself without impeding your mod. Please and thank you.