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RELEASED PenguinToast's PenguinGUI updated to work in 1.3 2017-06-11

script canvas changed in v1.3 which broke the original library so this is a working version

  1. Mobius58

    Mobius58 Void-Bound Voyager

    Mobius58 submitted a new mod:

    PenguinToast's PenguinGUI updated to work in 1.3 - script canvas changed in v1.3 which broke the original library so this is a working version

    Read more about this mod...
  2. NeoslayerX

    NeoslayerX Big Damn Hero

    Does this fix that NPC mod "singleplayer server disconnect" error?
  3. Mobius58

    Mobius58 Void-Bound Voyager

    can you give me some more details on what you mean by that.
  4. NeoslayerX

    NeoslayerX Big Damn Hero

    Reply so I know who you're talking to.
    You know that one error on the NPC mod, some other guy had the same problem as me and he had like a wolf howling as a profile pic
  5. Mobius58

    Mobius58 Void-Bound Voyager

    I don't know which mod you are talking about? this one is an update to the penguingui library so it will work in 1.3. It is not a mod in itself but rather a set of functions and objects that have been updated to work in 1.3 so that other mods can use to create user interfaces with the script console and the ones that used this library before 1.3 can make their mods work again more easily.
  6. NeoslayerX

    NeoslayerX Big Damn Hero

  7. Nugearv2

    Nugearv2 Void-Bound Voyager

    hey not sure if ur still around this site. but Neoslayer. how would i make this allow the DoorLock Mod to work.
    its called Doorlock mod. check it out if u havent.
  8. Nugearv2

    Nugearv2 Void-Bound Voyager

    it crashes. when it trys to load the Gui n im unsure of what exactly causes it n the mod creator has abandoned the mod entirely.

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