Ill post an update today, working on polishing the ones I have, setting each one to have 2 moves and getting their type strength/weaknesses set up. After I get them squared away, I'll work on the rest of the basic gen 1 pokemon and then start working on stage 2+3 evolutions. Once Gen 1 is done, ill move onto items and objects. After that, I'll move onto the next gen of pokemon
Do the Pokemon have better chances of spawning on certain planets. I have not seen a single one in the wild. Are the odds very low?
They should spawn pretty frequently. Are there any errors in your error log? I only tested when i first left my ship, Ill have to get and play around more to see about each planet. Here is the surface biome patches I done, they should spawn in all these biomes....
I have not found any yet. I will probably just spawn them in. By the way, when you add new Pokemon to the game, please update the info on how to spawn each one. I look forward to the generation 2 Pokemon. I want to have a Lugia as a pet.
Already did that, I went to my navigation and moved my curser far enough that new solar system's spawned. I visited multiple systems and planets. Nothing appeared. It might be a conflict with one of my mods, not something wrong with your's.
I hate to say this, but I think there is something wrong with this mod itself, because I tried the spawn monster commands in admin mode, and they do not work.
they all worked for me. give me a specific command you are using to spawn one, see if i can figure out why they arent spawning
I just copied the ones you had in the overview section. I tried Pikachu first, then a few others. I can't remember all of them. I did not try them all. I suppose I should. But Pikachu never spawned for me. And I know I typed it correctly. I used the /spawnmonster pokemonpikachu command.
oh, ty. i need to clarify my overview. It would be /spawnmonster pikachu ill change the overtext to just save /spawnmonster name
projectmayhem updated Pokemod with a new update entry: Gen 1 complete Read the rest of this update entry...
Very nice mod , im a huge fan of pkm and starbound , thanks you for make this mod . Also i found a few bug ,Mewtwo invisible all the time except when it attack ,persian feet under the ground
Thank you, I will look into these two issues this weekend. Also working on spawn rates in biomes to match pokemon types and editing some of their resistances
I love this mod, its awesome, but I did notice some Pokemon was actually missing from the monsters files, in fact I went through all the monsters and there isnt a total of 151, instead there was only 116 total monsters (Pokemon) throughout the 3 folders. The folders included had 14 in Fliers, 11 in Swimmers and 91 in Walkers, I say 151 because Mew is in the files under Fliers. The ones that arent present in any of the three folders are listed here: Beedrill Cloyster Dewgone Dratini Electrode Fearow Gloom Golbat Golduck Kabuto Kakuna Moltres Nidoking Nidoqueen Nidorina Nidorino Ninetales Omanyte Omastar Parasect Pidgeot Pidgeotto Poliwhirl Poliwrath Raichu Rapidash Raticate Rhydon Sandslash Slowbro Starmie Tentacruel Venomoth Vileplume Zapdos Besides that, there was an error for me, not sure if its for anyone/everyone else, that the Swimmer Pokemon, when spawned, do not spawn solid. I read into some of the coding, it says they spawn at ocean floors, shallow waters, all types of liquid basically, but they dont for me, and they dont show if you use the /spawnmonster command too, they just appear for a ghostly second, then fade away. However, I did get the swimmers to spawn, by actually fishing for them! Pulling them up with the line is no problem (except other fish are in for the bait too) but I threw a capturepod at them, no effect, I hit them with a blade and threw a capturepod, still no capturing them, they then automatically poofed into fresh fish or cooking ingredients of the fish variety. Is there any way to actually capture water types? Or spawn a capture pod with the water type inside already using console commands? Much help would be appreciated.