I have no idea what everyone is into but here is my suggestion for a boss/bosses. On some worlds there is a massive boss that is so hard to beat not even Tiy ALONE can defeat (Sorry Tiy!No offence to you! You are still awesome!)This is a kind of boss that requires a whole bunch of people (The Dev team, a team of friends, clans etc.) to defeat. Of course the boss will drop PLENTY of goods and give TONS of experience for the players to get and use, depending on the boss of course! For example a really easy PvE boss would drop things that are helpful to a bunch of newbies to the game. Also, if you are a really high level and you defeat a boss that is like for beginners, you wouldn't get nearly as helpful goods or experience. I'm just putting out all my ideas here!
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What are you guys trying to say here? Also, when I get a graphic artist, or learn how to make graphic art, I will do some rough ideas on some PvE bosses, and my thread on my own race
What I'm saying is that the system you outlines sounds like something that the devs might already have. It would make sense if they did.
Ominus is asking about the boss(es) that you have in mind for such a thing, and Jonesy is saying that this is something the devs are doing/have done/are going to do already, seeing it's the kind of thing that you get with bosses on multiplayer games. Anyway, sounds like a pretty good idea, you see it a bunch in nearly every MMO out there, so I don't see why we shouldn't have it in Starbound seeing as it's already heavily focused on multiplayer.
They mean give out the way the boss works, how it attack ect: Here's an example (yeah I copied this from the smash bros wiki and removed references to other things from that game. So what? I'm not the one suggesting a boss here.) Once again, this is a boss that already exists in a game and is not my boss idea, so don't go ask the devs to add it or anything.
Im pretty sure that there will be bosses that are REALLY hard to solo, so unless you are a super-pro, you have to multiplayer to kill it. Side Note: I wasn't aware of exp in starbound!
Omg, the flashbacks of all my maplestory days trying to fight balrog, and zakum, and being in huge expeditions...so many bad times...but so good....so fun, so memorable. You have my full support on this, you couldn't possibly have me more onboard than I already am. Let's do this, who wants to do hardcore PvE boss that require 40 people to fight to even have a chance, whos in?
Wow! I never expected this much support! Thank you ALL! I will get around to doing some rough ideas on some PvE bosses
Briona Description Briona is an aquatic creature that resides in some of the caves near water. It is black and navy blue in colour. It also consists of 5 eyes. Due to many hunters trying to kill it, Briona is forced to move from cave to cave in order to survive. It comprises of a body that are similar to that of an octopus or a squid. Its main methods of attack are its tentacles, its sucker and its eyes. They are used for multiple purposes. Attacks Tentacle: Tentacle smash - Briona uses its tentacles to smash players or the environment around it. If it hits the ground and players are within a certain range of the hit, they will not take damage but will be stunned for a a little while. When it hits a player/players they will take damage but not be stunned. Tentacle whip - Briona uses its tentacles to whip players. This method of attack flings back enemies and has a chance of stunning players. This attack is not used to attack, it is more often than not used as a defence. This attack is not a very strong attack. Restrain - Briona uses its tentacles to hold players and restrain them. Briona holds the player for around 5 - 10 seconds and then throws them. While players are restrained by the tentacles, they will very slowly lose life. It is crucial that you have a decent amount of health otherwise this can kill a player that has low health Sucker: Acid spit - Briona is able to shoot balls of acid at players. This attack inflicts splash damage in terms of poison. It is crucial that the players are not close together as it can potentially take out multiple players, either from the attack itself or the poison. Consume - When a player is very close to Briona's moth/sucker, Briona will consume the player, slowly draining his life for 7 - 8 seconds then spit him out. This attack has a chance of poisoning the player and also, there is a 2.5% chance that the player will instantly kill the enemy by consuming them. When Briona is low on health, when he consumes a player, the player will lose life and Briona will gain life. The Eyes: Laser: At any range and at any time during the battle, anyone of Briona's eyes will fire a laser. This will be fired very quickly for around 5 seconds. These can deal lots of damage to a player if they all hit so it is crucial that the player that is getting hit keeps moving. Focused Beam: This attack is used as a last resort for Briona, this is used when Briona is low on health along with all his other usual attacks. All 5 of his eyes will focus on any random player and then fire at them for 5 seconds. This attack has the potential to kill any player so it is advised that players keep moving so the beam does not make contact with them. After the shot, Briona will have to cool down for 3 seconds before attacking again. It is important that players use this time efficiently to kill Briona. Drops Upon death, Briona will drop many goods, including gold, some low tier gear and other items. (I don't know the full list of low tier items so you'll bear with me) Recommended group of players It is recommended that there is at least 10 - 15 players to beat Briona. Also it is recommended that players are at around level 10 - 13 (If they are going to have a leveling system) Stats Health: ----- Defence: ----- There is my first PvE Boss More to come soon! Keep following this thread for updates!
Don't see why a squid-like octopus fires laser beams from it's eyes. Hmm, seems a bit many, also I don't think there can be even that many players in a party to my knowledge. Most games have a limit of 4-6. So I'd say if you're wanting to make a really hard PvE boss, make it so that it takes 4-6 players to beat, but no more.
1) This is my first PvE boss idea, also I can have a squid/octopus hybrid with eyes that fire lazarz if I want! 2) The idea of PvE bosses is to get groups of players, whether they are in multiple groups of 4 - 6 or lone wolves to work together to beat a common enemy. Take SWTOR (Star Wars the Old Republic) for example, there are so many world bosses that have like 15000 min. on different worlds. they are pretty much side quests that you don't have to do but it but if you do, you would need other players to help each other. I want to have PvE bosses in the game to promote teamwork and have it more like a PvE game 3) I will redo it later when there is more info on mobs and bosses
Because it's a boss. One thing you're missing in this is things that force teamwork in order to kill it. This boss sounds like an average 2D platformer boss which people will kill (with some difficulty, but it's a boss so that is to be expected) all by themselves. I'd suggest making the boss do things which require the whole team to work together with in order to win. Here are some ideas for abilities that I thought would be interesting which a boss could have: A chain that attaches two players to each other, if they move too far apart the chain snaps and damages them both. One player gets an orb above their head which starts to turn red if they stand near another player, if they stay near others for too long it explodes and deals huge damage. Projectiles start to fire out of one player's body and damages all other players near them if they are not dodged. The two ideas below are not mine. (Credit to Lobo) a boss with huge arms that absorb half of the damage taken, but when a player climbs on him, he lift his arms and try to grab this player. while the arms are lifted another player can shoot his belly/chest for full damage! A fish boss that stays deep underwater unless someone jumps into the body of water he's in. one player jumps in and serve as a bait, and the other snipes the fish from the beach Also, here's some bosses from WoW (yeah I know Wow is satan ect.) courtesy of the WoWpedia which should hopefully give you some ideas. (just ignore the WoW only terms such as the class names or certain abilities, just try to imagine how any of these will work in Starbound. Alysrazor Lich King Kael'thas Ragnaros
What I'm thinking is that for all the PvE bosses that at the beginning of the boss fight, the way that the players entered the boss room, (through a door, in the ceiling, teleport etc.) will be blocked off or unable to use. For Briona the players are in a massive cave, then using its tentacles, it drags all of the players into an underwater area where the battle would take place. Players will need to go to the surface to get air unless they have an underwater breathing apparatus on them. Also if a player dies, then they respawn to the area before the underwater area, so where they got dragged from. Also the bosses are supposed to be very difficult, which is where the teamwork aspect comes from, probably a little bit easier than the easiest level in Super Hexagon (I do not own this game, all credit an rights go to their respective owners)