Too bad they limited the winner to only one. There's Far too many good ideas for this to just be one. Lordy.
damn. You've just made me faulter on finishing my idea. I like yours way better than mine. Oh well. It's still a fun art project.
Very nice, I could see this as a late game enemy a lot more than I could see most of the other massive lizards or wolves.
This is an awesome creature for Predator like aliens, who could also use stealth. So they could mount it and fly to enemy tribes on the same planet killing them unsuspectingly. Of course other tribes should have different aliens. Good luck with this amazing stealth creature.
Yeah this is great. When I first saw this I thought, "MY GOD. SUIKA SPELLED RAKSHASA WRONG!" Then I realized that it wasn't the Tiger-people.
Damnit Suika, Y U No let peopl win?! And by that I mean, it's so amazing that the Devs are haves a 99.$$% chance to choose you.
I just can not compete with such an experienced and talented artist But I will accept my defeat with dignity, Sempai. There is no shame to concede the Master *ripped his own belly*
Am I only one who actually doesn't really care about that creature? Sure, presentation is fantastic, good art and effort, but creature itself is just so so, especially when we got even more interesting and creative suggestion out there imo
Love this one. Presentation is indeed first-class, but the idea behind is also very good IMHO. It's solid and it's really well-tought. It would be great if planets we will explore in game differ from each other - how cool it would be if they range from paceuful to dangerous ones, filled with dangerous fauna and flora. To achieve that, game need such creatures. Imagine: you land on a planet, environment seems friendly, you explore... and then bah! Rakasa strikes you from the skies! Trip on the planet's surface becomes a hunting, but it's not clear who's the hunter, and who's the pray. You fight for survival, but when you finally ground that beast it would be so rewarding... game definetly needs such exciting moments and suprises, and I feel Rakasa will do the trick.