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RELEASED Realistic Life 1.65 - Tweaks

Living actually matters now.

  1. Catherine Franz

    Catherine Franz Spaceman Spiff

    Oh I thought it's beyond busted 'coz they nerfed it and ye brought it back = w= (never used the P.set anyway)
  2. Iroaseta

    Iroaseta Guest

    Nah didn't buff it back to op stat. Just make it in-between. Power is 300 and 360 between the three sets so I made perfect armor sits at 330 for example.
  3. Catherine Franz

    Catherine Franz Spaceman Spiff

    Maybe ye can make the water coolers actually water coolers too? like they only "sell" water > w>
  4. Iroaseta

    Iroaseta Guest

    Next update will have one. Probably a new object for you to craft to avoid some incompatibilities plus I want it to look like a real water distiller anyway.
  5. Catherine Franz

    Catherine Franz Spaceman Spiff

    I dunno where to craft the contaminated water @ .@
    It isn't in the kitchen -> also not the apothecary
  6. Iroaseta

    Iroaseta Guest

    With your hand / basic.
    Catherine Franz likes this.
  7. Iroaseta

    Iroaseta Guest

    Iroaseta updated Realistic Life with a new update entry:

    More tweaks

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. Catherine Franz

    Catherine Franz Spaceman Spiff

    Now to make it harder...Make the INJURY system @ w@
    The system will be like "should you take enough damage, you'll be "injured" -> Slow mv spd, no REGEN and weak as hell
    Bandages can heal but medkits can CURE them so it only stalls the uhh pain I guess???

    Many thanks from Big A- Just an IDEA from me...totally ORIGINAL!!!
  9. Iroaseta

    Iroaseta Guest

    Doesn't sounds good tbh...not for a 2D side-scroller. I'll see about how it goes.
  10. Catherine Franz

    Catherine Franz Spaceman Spiff

    Well I guess everyone can still be fine being a bullet sponge or a sword/spear/mace polish = .=
  11. Iroaseta

    Iroaseta Guest

    Thing is I never see any 2D side-scroller has this feature. Even Megaman just have a injured stance but they still run swiftly as if nothing happened.

    I'll see how it goes eventually. Probably have to nerf some other penalties if I'm to introduce this.
  12. Catherine Franz

    Catherine Franz Spaceman Spiff

    Megaman = plot reasons but no effect on gameplay...just for the feels = w= (Megaman Zero = Zero best man)
    Starbound = The game is injured not the player...it keeps dying...
  13. Khafariel

    Khafariel Void-Bound Voyager

    [replying to the one in the review]
    Thanks for the fast response Iroaseta! So, the problem is with Frackin Races. I thought the only incompatibility is with FU and I didn't know FR also tamper with the hunger system.
    It would be helpful if you add FR into the incompatibility list.
    And now I despise myself for not knowing how the review system work and gave you a 4 star. (I thought it can be edited)
  14. Iroaseta

    Iroaseta Guest

    No problem. I'll compile a list soon.
  15. NightmareDL

    NightmareDL Subatomic Cosmonaut

    The character should lose energy constantly while being alive , must eat at least 4 times a day and use the toilet minimum 3 times , if the character doesn't go to do number 2 it starts losing hp gradually and getting slower , after 4 days the character explodes
  16. Catherine Franz

    Catherine Franz Spaceman Spiff

    That should only happen if you are AFK > w>
    (When can we have no pausing even on menu?)
  17. Jevel

    Jevel Intergalactic Tourist

  18. tigerfestival

    tigerfestival Cosmic Narwhal

    A Fatigue system would be nice, like in the game It Lurks Below. If your character starts feeling fatigued, it can cause insanity, and your character's stats to decrease the longer you remain fatigued and you move slower, jump lower, enemy attacks are more severe while your attacks are less effective and the only way to reverse this is to sleep long enough until your character's sleep meter is full. I know this is a stretch, but it seems pretty realistic to add, seeing what this mod is supposed to be.
  19. Catherine Franz

    Catherine Franz Spaceman Spiff

    I think I've suggested a fatigue system before and it's a no no = w=
  20. Iroaseta

    Iroaseta Guest

    This mod has been removed and is no longer available for download.

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