So, there's this nice mod called Grandfather's Gift 1.0 on Nexus. Nice in theory, but totally broken, and not open source to boot. I'm remaking that mod. I've gone as far as: Adding an event handler to the helper.Events.GameLoop.DayStarted event Detect whether it's the 2nd day of spring Then I ran aground trying to find how to do the following: Code: // TODO: Pop up message of "last night I stepped on a loose floorboard yadda yadda" before map loaded // TODO: Wait until map loaded and add a package with interaction event // TODO: Interaction event (show letter) // TODO: Remove package from map, add weapon & chest to inventory I've searched the wiki, and I can kind of guess how to do #2 & #4. However, I can't find how to do #1 and #3. Some help please? ----- Edit 1: Let it be clear that, unlike the original mod I'm remaking, this mod will be open source. Here's my repo: .
UPDATE 2019-06-30 So, I have progressed quite a lot: Figured out how to create a DialogueBox [sic] with black background to provide a pop-up message as the day started Figured out how to instantiate a weapon and add it to Farmer's inventory Registered an "Asset Editor" to allow future customization of the weapon goodie Registered -- and deregistered -- event handlers for OnDayStart Still not yet done: Drop a "package" -- like the Parsnip gift of the 1st day -- attached to a custom interaction Pop up "letter" from Grandpa Have farmer does their "lift up object" animation as they uncovered the weapon Remove the "package" post interaction leaving farmer with a weapon (this part figured out) and a chest in the farmer's inventory Source Code: Latest have been pushed to