RELEASED Revised Stardew Maps (RSM) 1.1.1

Overhauls many of the in-game maps (soon to be all of them)

  1. 13akoors

    13akoors Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hello, everyone. After liking several map mods, and looking into the minor coding required to make map mods, I decided to put my hand into map making. Unfortunately for my free time, I also started upkeeping older map mods, and now I basically have my hand in every vanilla map in the game. For those looking for where I began, look no further than this mod.

    Revised Stardew Maps

    This set of maps started being developed due to my unhappiness with how certain maps looked. Most notably, I felt very unhappy with how cliffs didn't make any sense, as well as maps not very accurately matching the world map. And while the overworld map matching hasn't ended up working out yet, I was able to make some strides in fixing different cliff issues.

    This mod is constantly being updated to modify (theoretically) every map in the game. As of v1.1.1, this mod currently updates the base Farm map, Bus Stop, Railroad, Summit, and Backwoods maps. Each map is expanded slightly to fit together as if they actually existed in 3D space, like a puzzle. Because of this, some maps will have added areas to make them feel interconnected and more lived in. Other areas may also be added with minor changes (Town, Beach), but those 5 are the obvious changes currently.

    Backwoods.png BusStop.png Farm.png Railroad.png Summit.png

    This mod currently uses only a single custom outdoor tilesheet that adds some tiles from a few other in-game tilesheets (Town). As such, nothing is currently added that would be be considered IP infringing, and the custom outdoor tilesheet is free to be used by anyone. That said, in the future, new tilesheets may be added that are made by the community, in which case those would NOT be usable without permission from their author.

    Interconnectivity (Mod Compatibility):
    Currently, this mod is incompatible with any other mods that modify the Farm and Town maps, as well as any of the previously mentioned maps. That said, currently Ulithium's Jungle Temple and Yama's Desert Maps are all fully compatible with this mod. Theoretically, Tego's Stardew Expansion is in the process of being made compatible pending approval from the community. Link to the post explaining this can be found here:

    You will need ALL and Ento's Framework for RSM to work, as well as SMAPI. Links for all 3 are here:

    Also, for anyone looking for any of "my other work", check out my Home for Map Mods, where I link to all the map mods I have my hands in, either personally creating or upkeeping for the community

    1. This mod is only guaranteed to work on new save files. While it may currently work on old saves, many things may be out of place or just completely broken. Plus, future additions will likely be unable to work on old saves at all. It is highly recommended you only use this mod on new saves.
    2. If you have any issues while using this mod, feel free to post about it. It’s highly possible I missed something while testing, and will try to fix any issues as soon as possible. That said, the fastest way for me to fix something is to see the issue, so make sure to include an image of the issue, if possible. If your game crashes completely, send the error log.
      Last edited: Aug 1, 2017
    • Voltaic123

      Voltaic123 Pangalactic Porcupine

      Sounds interesting, got any pictures?
      • 13akoors

        13akoors Scruffy Nerf-Herder

        I'm so used to making mods that don't have visuals, I didn't even think of it. Thanks for the reminder. There are some of the images from the current mod in the initial post now.

        As for some of the things I want to add, I'd prefer not to show them off for now. Mostly because the things I initially wanted to add are currently impossible without building several SMAPI mods. That, and some of the things I'd like to add require custom tilesheets that I'm not able to make myself.

        That said, here are a couple maps that I already have done for (probably) the next update. The second one is a bit outdated, but its fairly accurate to the changes I've made.

        Beach.png Forest-FlowerFestival.png
        • khai9999

          khai9999 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

          Found some bugs, captain
          (im on new gameplay)

          Something Ahead.jpg Eh..What This.jpg
            13akoors likes this.
          • 13akoors

            13akoors Scruffy Nerf-Herder

            Huh, i've got no idea what the first one is, but the second is easily fixed. Give me a minute

            EDIT: I managed to fix the second one, but even looking on the map, there's no invisible tiles or unloaded objects at the first spot, so I'm not sure what's causing that. This update may fix it, but if not I don't think I can do anything about it.

            Just to be sure, you don't have any other map mods that could be editing the town map, correct?

              Attached Files:

              Last edited: Apr 17, 2017
            • khai9999

              khai9999 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

              New version totally fix those two issues. Even though I don't know how you fix the first bug is but that invisible thing now gone.

              However as more i play, more i realized that the map is used before SDV 1.1 released so the maps are totally outdated. So these are my suggestions:

              • Better to rework the map from the ground up as SDV 1.11 as the base because those version bring map fix (Beach pier etc.) and additional things like new set of farms and spouse workplace behind farmer house.
              • Use XNBLoader to load farm.xnb (remember those reset farm map bug)
              • Make a compatibility with ento's extended minecart
              • The map to reach the bus and minecart is totally time consuming. Better make the road little lower (middle of the map is better i think)
              Overall the maps are okay to me but many things need to be fixed. About the farm maps, Ace Farm Expanded is better reference. Well, I hope you can finish this, captain! And please don't abandon this map mod.
              • 13akoors

                13akoors Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                The first 2 things are being done in the next version, actually. That said, it may be awhile as I'm working on a new version of Tego's Stardew Expansion at the moment.

                As for the other 2, I actually made the bus/minecart map intentionally long, as well as the backwoods map. Partially because it makes you stop and think what routes are the best to take, but mostly because I'm making a world map alongside the map overhaul, and the bus stop map has to be that long in order to make sense. That said, I'll keep that suggestion in the back of my mind.

                As for Ento's extended minecart, I've not heard of that mod, so I'll look into it.
                EDIT: after looking at the mod for a few minutes, there doesn't seem to be any way to add custom locations without modifying the mod itself. I personally can't modify .dll files, and Ento is too busy for me to ask him to do it. Plus, I'd like to limit the mod dependencies to 4 for now. If in the future I change my mind, it'll be on the high end of the list, though

                Thanks for the feedback. Always appreciated :)
                  Last edited: Apr 17, 2017
                • 13akoors

                  13akoors Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                  Hello, everyone. 2 main pieces of information for everyone.

                  Firstly, I am still around and am working on several mods, including this one. Unfortunately, becuase of SMAPI moving toward v2.0, and ALL/EntoFramework not yet being updated, map mods are currently bugged to not properly load tilesheets. Because of this, I am currently only releasing patches for bugs on all mods, and leaving bigger updates for later, once the bush reset command and tile loading works again.

                  Secondly, I am considering making a change to this mod, and am looking for everyone's opinion on this change. Basically, due to certain recent events involving another mod (read here for more info) I am looking to make TSE and RSM fully compatible. In order to do that, I have a plan to divide the entire world map in half. TSE will modify all maps left of the Bus Stop (Farm, Forest, Backwoods, Woods), while this mod will be responsible for all other maps. What this means for this mod is that several maps (Farm, Backwoods) will be removed and added to TSE. By doing this, I would be able to make both mods fully compatible with each other going forward. These changes would not appear until the next major update, 1.2.0

                  Basically, I'm currently asking you all if you would be okay with the proposed change, in order to allow all mods I upkeep to be fully compatible. For a bit more information, follow the above link. For the voting itself, follow this link: Voting ends August 31.
                    Coolwyngs likes this.

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