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Bug/Issue Running multiplayer w/ mods

Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by LexyVr, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. LexyVr

    LexyVr Big Damn Hero

    Dear Starbound community,

    I have encountered the problem that I can't seem to play multiplayer. I do have mods installed.
    I can't launch Starbound and its server at the same time when either of them is already open. When I try to launch starbound and the server via the directory it does work, but whenever I make a new character and try to join the server I get the error saying " ...following reason: Client ship world has errored" . If i then go back to SP and try to play with the same character I made for MP, it will say "(UniverseServerException) could not acquire lock for the universe directory" . Making any new characters after trying that results in the same error message. I do know that if you get this error you should delete the Universe folder's contents, but this does not help me any further.
    After closing the server (with Starbound still running), everything seems to work normally on SP, it just doesn't like having the client & a server running at the same time.

    If i then exit the server, play on the character I just made, and then rerun the server and try to join, it does seem to load but the server keeps spamming "[Error] UniverseServer: exception caught : (mapexception) key 'viera' not found in Map: :get()" and the a series of numbers. So could the issue be "The Viera of Ivalice" mod? If so, I would really love a fix, since it's my favorite racemod.

    All I'm asking would be a fix to just play on my own server w mods installed, where friends can join in too.

    Thanks LexyVr.
  2. Iris Blanche

    Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

    (UniverseServerException) could not acquire lock for the universe directory
    means that the universe is locked by a server. Deleting the whole universe folder when receiving this is absolutly nonsense (where did you get this wrong information anyways? o_O ) When running a server locally you have to join via multiplayer to (alternatively localhost, both is the same).

    When using workshop mods and trying to run a server then you will have to copy all workshop mods into the mods folder of starbound.

    ~ Iris ~
  3. LexyVr

    LexyVr Big Damn Hero

    I have already copied all the workshopmods to the mods file in the starbound directory.
    And I thought it meant the universe-stuff was corrupted so it had to be deleted, oh well, learn something new everyday q:
    I also join with '' as IP, so I don't see what's causing the problem...

    Thanks for the quick reply though, appreciate it


    Everything seems to work except the whole viera error /:
  4. LexyVr

    LexyVr Big Damn Hero

    Here's the error

    . viera error.png
  5. Iris Blanche

    Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

    Can you attach the whole server log (located in the storage directory)?

    ~ Iris ~
  6. LexyVr

    LexyVr Big Damn Hero

    Yep, here you go.

    Attached Files:

  7. Iris Blanche

    Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

    It doesn't directly fail on the viera mod. It seems that the server is failing when loading the assets used on your ship (maybe serverside mods outdated?). Do you receive the same errors with a complete new character?

    ~ Iris ~
  8. LexyVr

    LexyVr Big Damn Hero

    Hmm, well I just made a new character to test it and SP works perfectly fine. And I just literally copied all the workshop mods (which i downloaded maybe yesterday) to the mods folder.

    Just tried to join with an apex character instead of a viera and a new error occurs: Untitled.png

    Maybe Madtulip's spaceship mod fricks everything up?

    --Edit 2
    Same error for all vanilla races...
  9. Iris Blanche

    Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

    Always attach the full log ;) It can be possible that the spaceship mod is causing this issue but i'm not sure if it's the case here.

    Edit: may i see your mods folder?

    ~ Iris ~
  10. LexyVr

    LexyVr Big Damn Hero

    I'll try to remove Madtulip ;-;

    And yeah, any easy way of doing this? I mean, when I tried to get my friend to get all the same mods I have it was a pain, since in the folder it's only numbers instead of names, so I tried the whole HTML-browser thing I saw on a steam forum.



    Okay, replacing Madtulip with BYOS works! ...For all vanilla races... The felins & viera still aren't able to join.
    Felins&Viera get the "client ship world has errored" .
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2016
  11. Iris Blanche

    Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

    Don't delete the mods. You just copied them wrong. Every workshop mod folder has a file called contents.pak (some mods have an own name e.g. the macrochip mod). These pak files must be places in the mods folder. I didn't noticed it until now since i checked some of my logs to compare. Since you're using a lot of mods it will take a while to copy and rename them. Alternatively you can use a batch file that will do the job for you. I had somewhere posted the code for such a file but don't ask me which topic it was... >w<

    ~ Iris ~
  12. LexyVr

    LexyVr Big Damn Hero

    Oh. I just simply copied all the numeric folder names w the .pak files in it straight to the mods folder. So that won't work? I'll have to rename all of them each individually? ;-;



    It seems BYOS doesn't support custom races, wouldn't that be the issue? If so, would you happen to know a custom ship mod that does support them? (You can add custom races to BYOS, but it seems like a pain to do all t he code stuff... :/) ...
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2016
  13. Iris Blanche

    Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

    Unfortunately yes because Starbound doesn't recognize .pak files recursive. You can alternatively use a batch file that will do the job for you.

    @echo off
    set workshopdir=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\
    set starbounddir=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Starbound\mods\
    cd %workshopdir%
    for /D %%i in (*) do (
       xcopy /Y /D %%i\*.pak %starbounddir%%%i.pak
    ^ this should do the job

    ~ Iris ~
  14. LexyVr

    LexyVr Big Damn Hero

    Okay, I have manually copied and renamed all the 80 mods ;-;
    Let's see if it works...


    Both Felins & Viera have the same error... "client ship world has errored" - Sure it isn't BYOS that I haven't added these 2 custom races to, that makes it crash?
  15. Iris Blanche

    Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

    Please provide a screenshot of your mods folder and the logfile.

    ~ Iris ~
  16. LexyVr

    LexyVr Big Damn Hero

    Apparently there is already a BYOS addon for the Felins, which I just tried, only to get the same error. I'm lost...


    ◯0o。(ー。ー)y~~ -My last cig ; - ;

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Aug 16, 2016
  17. Iris Blanche

    Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

    You have to copy the file IN the folders in the mods folder. Not the folders themself.

    ~ Iris ~
  18. LexyVr

    LexyVr Big Damn Hero

    FFFFFFFFFFU-- ...okay ;-; I'll go ahead and do that then.
  19. LexyVr

    LexyVr Big Damn Hero

    Viera keeps spamming the same error as before, and Felin still gives "Client Ship world has errored" ...

    viera error.png

    Should I put the .pak's directly in the mods folder? Out of the folder w its name?

    Attached Files:

  20. Iris Blanche

    Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

    May i see your mod folder? ^^

    ~ Iris ~

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