RELEASED Seasonal Outfit Changes

Discussion in 'Characters' started by Tanpoponoko, Mar 24, 2018.

  1. Tanpoponoko

    Tanpoponoko Big Damn Hero

    Thank you for the heads up about those! I'll get to them after the festival fixes are done.

    I managed to power through all the luau ones today. Just the Spirit's Eve ones left after this!

      Attached Files:

    • Tanpoponoko

      Tanpoponoko Big Damn Hero

      Here are the spirit's eve fixes!

      Included are two new outfits as well - Linus's and Vincent's spirit's eve costumes.

      I don't think that there really need to be any others added for this festival. I think I'll do one Winter Star outfit for Linus and Lewis, but that will be it for the new festival outfits (Unless someone has a burning desire to see something specifically, in which case let me know.)

      I'll do the cursors fix next. After that there leaves just the last stretch to do.

      I am considering adding the following outfit and portrait set to round off the whole mod:

      Emily - Fall Rain

      Haley - Summer Rain

      Vincent - Spring Rain

      Sebastian - Summer Rain

      In addition to those, here are a list of the portraits we need for the festivals/other:

      Egg - Alex, Emily, Clint, Demetrius, Elliott, Evelyn, Haley, Jodi, Marnie, Maru, Pam, Penny, Pierre, Sam, Sebastian, Vincent, Willy

      Flower - Linus

      Luau - Abigail, Clint, Demetrius, Emily, (Evelyn-edit), Gus, Harvey, Jodi, Kent, Leah, Lewis, Linus, Marnie, Pam, Penny, Pierre, Robin, Sebastian, Shane, Willy

      Spirits Eve - Sam, Harvey, Sebastian, Shane, Vincent

      Maternity - Leah, Maru, Penny, Abigail, Emily, Haley

      After that, there's a few existing portraits I want to polish up, then this mod will be "complete," by which I mean I don't plan on personally making any changes or additions after that. Of course, we'll always be welcoming additions from others.

      What I wanted to ask is that is anyone willing to lend a hand with the festival portraits? If there is someone, could you please let me know which one(s) you'd like to do? I am gonna work through the whole set, so I don't want to run into any duplicates! Would really help me out if anyone could pitch in :)

        Attached Files:

        Coolwyngs and paradigmnomad like this.
      • Airyn

        Airyn Scruffy Nerf-Herder

        Hey, Tanpoponoko, I've also been working on some of the festival portraits over on the Diverse SDV discord, if you wanted to use them! I've been working on the Egg Festival portraits, though I haven't completed many yet.
        • Hallow Darkfrost

          Hallow Darkfrost Void-Bound Voyager

          Hey Tanpoponoko! I was going through the files and noticed that Harvey's plague doctor character sprite lacked a portrait, so I made one for my own use. Then I came here and noticed your post. It's not incredible, but if you still need a portrait for this sprite, you're more than welcome to use or edit it as needed.

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          • paradigmnomad

            paradigmnomad Scruffy Nerf-Herder


            In the coming weeks SVO is going to undergo a major rewrite to add location support (Content Patcher 1.8).
            The question here is should the winter sprites still be based off the weather or location? For other seasons, I planned on keeping it weather based rather than indoor/outdoor but that again may change with enough demand/not the initial 1.3.0 release.

            Swimsuits will also finally be added for summer in 1.3.0. Haley's beach variant will likely be removed from the code (still in the files) due to this change.
              HopeWasHere likes this.
            • Moragaine

              Moragaine Existential Complex

              I would say location - a winter hat on someone indoors looks out of place..
              • Zosa

                Zosa Cosmic Narwhal

                location for sure

                which swimsuits do you still need?
                • paradigmnomad

                  paradigmnomad Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                  The only one we're missing is Willy!
                  + Location rewrite for Winter is done. Was gonna hold off until later but figured why not.

                  Some swimsuit sprites might need fixed (bachelors & bachelorettes) since IIRC you can kiss them outside of your house? I might be work but those would need to be added if you smooched them on the beach.
                  • TheMarbleNest

                    TheMarbleNest Space Spelunker

                    Is ScaleUp required to make these work? Nexus mods says it's required, but having it installed seems to do nothing and the instructions for how to make ScaleUp work are difficult to implement/understand.
                    • Zosa

                      Zosa Cosmic Narwhal

                      scale up is for the dc burger portraits
                      • TheMarbleNest

                        TheMarbleNest Space Spelunker

                        Would you or anyone else be able to help me with getting Scale Up to work? I tried doing as the instructions said on nexusmods, but there are so many portraits for this Seasonal outfits mod that I wasn't sure if all of them needed the two extra lines, if none of them did, if I just had to place it once, if I had to place it on something else...

                        The sprite models work fine, just the portraits don't at all and I feel it's because of Scale Up, but I have no idea how to make Scale Up work. ; ; I'd really love to have this mod working entirely.
                        • Zosa

                          Zosa Cosmic Narwhal

                          i don't care for dc and other high-res portraits so i actually have no idea :rofl:
                          • Mycenia

                            Mycenia Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                            I've done a few festival portraits here and there, mostly Egg and Luau/Moonlight Jellies (I usually make them the same). Most have Diverse/other heads and will need to be converted. I'll be happy to do that myself, if there are any worth using.

                              Attached Files:

                            • paradigmnomad

                              paradigmnomad Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                              I like them! If you wouldn't mind converting over:

                              Demetrius - Luau
                              Harvey - Luau
                              Robin - Luau
                              Shane - Luau

                              That'd be great!
                              • Mycenia

                                Mycenia Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                Sure, happy to. I do believe Shane is vanilla, but I'll double-check that when I do them. Shouldn't take me more than tonight or tomorrow.
                                • Zosa

                                  Zosa Cosmic Narwhal

                                  ok, i did a swimsuit willy, if someone wants to stick this bad boy on a sprite sheet i'd be happy for it;
                                    Last edited: May 29, 2019
                                  • paradigmnomad

                                    paradigmnomad Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                    Thanks :D Will add in the next update!
                                    • Mycenia

                                      Mycenia Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                      Here you go. Shane's was vanilla, but I included it again anyway.

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                                      • paradigmnomad

                                        paradigmnomad Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                        Thanks! I will add these in the next update!
                                        • PKpixel

                                          PKpixel Void-Bound Voyager

                                          Hello :) First time poster.
                                          I made some missing festival portraits if you would like to use them.
                                          I did Luau Gus, Jodi and Kent. Spirits Eve Harvey and Vincent and Egg festival Evelyn. I also made a military dress blues portrait and character sprite for Kent's Flower dance outfit.

                                            Attached Files:

                                            Last edited: Jun 9, 2019
                                            HopeWasHere, Mycenia and MouseyPounds like this.

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