To those who have Shane or Linus installed: have you had children yet? I'm curious to see if it works the same.
No children yet, but Shane seems to forget that he lives in the house. I keep getting pizza in the mail from him.
Yeah, Linus was mailing me things when I was testing out his marriage. How long have you been married to Shane? Are you at 12 hearts?
Full twelve, but I haven't gotten children before because I waited for Shane. I have no idea when I'm supposed to get them and if I have to do anything. Been married for two months.
Hot Linus, anyone? I'll start the sprites p soon... I wanted to keep the integrity of Linus' character, so I used some Real Linus Elements™ to create a sort of "young Linus". I thought about making him essentially a different character (a 100% reskin) but I decided doing a young Linus would be more fun! He maintains the same facial expressions as regular Linus and shares many of his features if you look closely (plus all his dialogue, of course). Probably expect a romance-able, young Linus by tonight or early tomorrow!
Had to get very serious with Shane, like five bouquets serious. He acted different during the fifth one, apparently he decided to have amnesia and forget that we were married. Got a kid though so I forgave him.
Still working on young Linus. I've done like 3 versions of his sprite sheet and I'm not happy with any of them. >_<
Shane decided to up and leave me when I restored the community center. I searched for him but he's nowhere to be seen, even checked his old room. So far I seem to be a single parent trying to raise a child (which I am neglecting) and trying to work on a farm at the same time. I say neglecting but I have Sans, he meows but I consider him being my babysitter. My crops and animals still get randomly watered and cared for.
That is decidedly one of the weirder bugs I've heard of. Maybe Joja Mart is making him go into the city to work. Joking, obviously, but it doesn't seem impossible for them to have some dickish clauses in their employment contracts. 'In the event that a start up farming operation runs the branch you work for, and you are married to founder of said startup farming operation, you are contractually obligated to move to a branch of our choosing.' Morris seemed sketchy enough to do it anyway.
I'm currently considering him a deadbeat parent who up and left. His child support is watering crops and feeding the animals.
I did restart but he's still not showing up. I'm just going to blame this on his depression and say it got to him. Just need an event where I say, "Honey, don't worry. You are a great father! I mean you rarely check on our daughter and you just go outside and stare at the chicken coop all day. Still, you're doing better than I am. Had our daughter for a week and I just now visited her for like a second." Actually, now that I'm thinking about it... He probably left because I am a terrible person.
So getting his life together made him panic and make a runner? Why does this sound like what 90% of people who get married to a Player Character would do if they had the programming to allow it?
Alright, kiddos - young Linus (version 1.0) is now here. This will obviously replace the regular Linus marriage mod. I'd love feedback on his appearance! I really struggled with what he should wear. I may change it in the future...
I do believe someone is working on a mod like that, or was working on it. I'm not quite sure what happened to it.