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Skills and perks

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by NecroSyri, Jun 23, 2013.

  1. Treadlight

    Treadlight Existential Complex

    Could you elaborate on this? I use the same controls for each character.
    • Daimera

      Daimera Cosmic Narwhal

      I think it is mainly to do with perhaps switching to Miner from anyone else(?); while everyone else has a movespeed increase or forward charge on Action 3, Miner has a jump-back on Action 3, and it can be rather disorienting when changing to Miner after, say, a long run with Commando. In lieu of just default switching those two skills (which would mess up players who predominantly play Miner), the option to switch Action 2 and 3 around would be nice for players who don't play Miner that much.
        Rawrquaza likes this.
      • NecroSyri

        NecroSyri Scruffy Nerf-Herder

        I like having the dive in position 2 with the commando, and the sniper shoot in position 2 with the bandit. So each time I have to reassing my keys.

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