Solamander Igniserpens infernalis ("Fire Serpent from Hell") When the truth finally dawns, it dawns in what the last foolish adventurer said when he combated a Solamander unarmed. Solamanders are among the solariformes ("Solar-Users"), creatures reliant on the sunshine for locomotion. In the fiery lizard's case, the sun's energy is its driving life energy and main method of attack. By releasing the stored energy of a star's light, it can expel temperate flames of up to 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit. It is commonly believed that the fire it produces is unlimited in supply, although this is untrue. If a Solamander runs out of solar energy, it cannot breath fire and will sieze movements completely. It is this dormant state that all Solamanders try to avoid, as it leaves them completely vulnerable and susceptible to harm. To prevent such a catastrophe to their bodies, they move slowly during the night to conserve energy. Sources of heat, such as lava pools, are a popular spot for Solamanders to rest when their solar energy levels are low. Submerging themselves in lava is a safe way to protect themselves until the sun rises in the daytime. The feathery extensions of a Solamander are treasured by collectors, both for their soft feel and hot touch. Unfortunately, obtaining these feathers isn't too easy, as even in death, as a solariforme, the miniature stars embedded on the creature self-destruct, akin to the explosion of a supernova on a smaller scale. Related Suggestions: Dragoknights Drakes Pyrosaurus Rex Equigriffs Trinoceras Plesiax Comments?
Explodes on death? This would be fun, but now I am completly scared of lava pools because of these Solamanders and the Scoria.
Very-absolutely-extraordinarily-super-fantastically-uber-awesomely nice! One of the best creature suggestions I have seen by far! I can see it now, I am exploring a dark cave. I break through the hard stone only to reveal a hot room with a lava pool in the center. I have heard rumors of lizards inhabiting these pools. I cautiously tread through the room to avoid confrontation, but alas, it was too late. The beast crawls out of the pool breathing fierce flames that could burn through stone. I love the art that you have put into creating this masterpiece of a creature! I totally got the Skyrim trailer reference too.
Wow, that's fantastic! I love the concept art style, very cool. And I'd like fighting something like this in game, the slow moving at night might make them easy targets.
Probably not. You'd probably get roasted before you even got a foot close to it. Just be glad they aren't working together... ...yet. *shudders* Ahaha, thanks young dovakiin. xD Just watch out for dem lava pools. One wrong move, and you'll be burnt to a crisp.~
hmm i feel that this might be the mount or a type of folk that comes from the same realm as the Tru'Donts. I would love to see them as mounts but if they are npc i think you can have some sort och flash attack. Becuse they are serpans/snakes
looks great and as usual looks very professional...can't wait for the sprites reminds me a bit of volvagia