Zaakari submitted a new mod: Starbound: Mass Effect Edition (Revived) - Team SMEE's mod brought back to working order Read more about this mod...
DUDE ! Thanks ! and WTF ?! 4 years ! I can't believe that ! Its like if Mass effect got a remastered version xD I'm not actually playing, don't have time actually but, that really good ! Thanks making that and contact me (i'm so suprised that someone, make the mod, look at the review, and find my comment asking to contact me if there was an update xD ,that so crazy)
Yeah, I had thought that most people could visit Team SMEE's original post to see the pictures. But I think you're right, it would be more helpful to have those on this new page (so people don't have to go searching). Thank you for your feedback. Just prior to writing this, I updated the mod's page. Thank you! Although, most of the credit is due to Team SMEE's effort (I mostly just got it working again).
Zaakari updated Starbound: Mass Effect Edition (Revived) with a new update entry: Omniblade Recipes Added Read the rest of this update entry...
hello, i loved what you did, but i have to ask you one thing you can add to the krogan and salarian race or the quarians in the mod i don't know and ask for a lot but anyway this mod you revived was amazing amazing i hope future updates and please adds other ships to the other races except human n7
That would be cool. I never really planned to add any content to the mod. I was just intending to get it working again, and that--perhaps--other people could add to it if they wanted to. There are a lot of graphics to make for a new race (and I'm not the greatest artist), so I'll have to think about it. It would definitely improve the mod though. As for ships, did you have any specific ones in mind (note that I haven't actually played a Mass Effect game, so I don't know what all the main ones are)? Again, I can't promise you anything, but I could look into it.
I have nothing in mind, could not say anything that could ruin the game because you did not play. when you play you will find out what's in the game you brought the mod back from the dead, but I was sad because I found that there was no team in the mod and thanks for bringing back a great game mod even though he's from ea