Starbound MultiPlayer

Discussion in 'Other' started by #GB!, Sep 9, 2019.

  1. #GB!

    #GB! Space Hobo

    Quisiera que tomaranese foro muy encerio ya que las ideas para este son muy deseables para los jugadores online:

    Me gustaria que hicieran un starbound multiplayer solo multiplayer que tuviera modos de juego ejemplo: captura la bandera en equipo,las escondidas,guerra en equipos,contruye tu base, etc... (solo multiplayer) para que la gente no se enrrede tanto y juegen multiplayer nada mas cuando habran el juego y unirse a un server creado con modos de juegos (explicado arriva) POR FAVOR TOMEN EN CUENTA MI IDEA Y CREENLA PLZZZ


    I would like you to take a very serious forum since the ideas for this are very desirable for online players:

    I would like them to make a starbound multiplayer only multiplayer that had example game modes: capture the team flag, hide and seek, team warfare, build your base, etc ... (multiplayer only) so that people do not get so excited and multiplayer play just when they will have the game and join a server created with game modes (explained arriva) PLEASE TAKE INTO ACCOUNT MY IDEA AND BELIEVE IT PLZZZ
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2019
  2. Pangaea

    Pangaea Forum Moderator

    Please note that all posts must be in English or provide a translation. I've added one for you this time but it's your responsibility in the future.

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