WOW, didn't think it was going to be 30 mins! Exceptional 1st episode! Really enjoyed the action scenes! Hard to say which character I liked the most they were all interesting. If there was one criticism I would say the zoom level was a little too close, but overall fantastic, please, time permitting, keep this up my friend! This really brings the starbound universe to LIFE
... Wow. It's amazing EDIT: But seriously - I thought it'll have low-quality plot and... well everything in low-quality, but - Sir, you've done a great job. I enjoyed every second of the first episode.
Whoever thinks up of the coolest name for this city gets their name put into the credits of the video
Hum hmm. Cyanos (or Cyanosia) - going off from the color of the lighting there. Frost Valley (maybe Frostvale, though that sounds more like a fantasy-name than sci-fi) - indeed a very cool name. That city seems to be in a valley, too.
Here are some names: Trand city. Stramond. Anonset. Shofield. Frimond. Ostroix or ostroixfield. Domery. Prose. Fairfield. Newburgh. Last two names are from one of my favorite zombie games.
Also Fairfield is a city irl. It's a few towns away from where I live. Idk why I know that though, as I've never actually been there...
The Fairfield that exists in real life is a town. I've been there once. Either that or there's a lot of places called Fairfield in the tristate area. The Fairfield that I am referring to is from Left 4 dead, which in that game is a city.
nooo! episode 2 is nearly done its just taken ages to get the voices but now I'm just working on the sounds and editing so it should be out really soon!
What program did you use to make this? I've been interested in learning how to make things like this.
I use Aseprite for making sprites and animations and then I use Adobe Flash Cs6 to put it all together.