Alceris updated Sure Footed with a new update entry: RUN FORREST RUN Read the rest of this update entry...
This mod stunt the progress of the Glitch Baron mission - Baron does not walk up to the trigger line (I guess) and starts repeating the first message instead of advancing further.
Maybe it's just me, but this seem to be affecting pets and other animals in the game. It's almost like they are disabled/stuck somehow. Especially noticeable with the default pet on the ship when playing or chasing after the ball. Either way, it causes a lot of lag in my game. Could it be that its not compatible with FrackinUniverse somehow?
I don't have FU and am experiencing the same weird animal behavior, so I don't think it is a compatibility issue. Playing around with the mod myself to see if I can find a fix because all this ungodly animal twerking is making space jesus cry. Update: I removed groundFriction as it was redundantly using the default game value, and also reduced the values for ambulatingGroundFriction and groundForce by 90% (Still 10x normal values) which seems to have stopped all animal twerking while still allowing for better character control and wall jumping. It also fixes the Glitch mission bugging out.
My bad on the groundFriction part, but when I raised ambulatingGroundFriction to 10, I didn't notice any difference at all in how much the character slides, which is why I set it so high.
Yeah, 100 definitely gave way more control then 10, though I still do find 10 to be a very slight improvement over vanilla. There's probably a nice middle ground number that gives maximum control while allowing for other animations to still run smoothly. Might play around with it today and see what I find. Update: I found numbers higher than 50 for ambulatingGroundFriction and 5000 for groundForce started to cause the issues, so I wouldn't recommend pushing past those points.
Until I know otherwise, I'm going to assume that this mod -is- compatible with Freedom of Movement. At least, after looking at the files of both, it does not appear that you change the same files, despite the fact that both make adjustments to the Sprint tech. (It seems that you change different things about it.)
It is not compatible with Freedom of Movement, as Freedom of Movement changes the lua script used by the Sprint tech, and so does this. That should be the only incompatibility, however.
Okay, so I uninstalled Freedom of Movement. And I'm still getting this issue: Walking on Mud, Sand, and a few other materials results in a slow-as-a-snail's-pace movement. It's more than annoying, it's frustratingly slow. I have to keep pressing jump to get anywhere in a timely fashion. Is this normal mod behavior? I really wanted a means to reduce the amount of slipping and sliding going on, but not at that high a price. I had to uninstall.
That should definitely not be happening, and it doesn't act like that on my end. It must be some other mod that's causing it.
I wish that I could figure out which mod is causing a conflict with this. I have unpacked all the .pak files of the mods I'm using and I did a search for each file that Sure Footed changes (including the sprint.lua I overlooked earlier), but I could not find a file conflict.
It may not be a file conflict, necessarily, but rather it might be something you have changes the physics for those blocks in a way that doesn't play nicely with this mod.
Alceris updated Sure Footed with a new update entry: The Power of Lua Read the rest of this update entry...
Alceris updated Sure Footed with a new update entry: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Read the rest of this update entry...
It shouldn't be an issue anymore, I hope. My mod no longer alters the friction, and instead uses a lua script to allow you to stop on a dime.
Problem: This mod makes it impossible to ride horizontal-moving rail platforms. If you get on a platform, it simply slides away under your feet as you fail to get carried along. Also, it seems to be the source of enemies' tendency to run slowly as though they're wading through treacle. I've found this out by comparing with the mod on and off. I'm not sure, but it may also interfere with vehicles, as my explorer pod moves very sluggishly, but improved when I turned the mod off. Please find a way to fix this, because the rest of it is great and I love having actual control of my character.