Hello once more, My predicament this time is I would like to create a temporary and screen-wide/blinding status effect - preferably a texture. A simple example of what I mean is a status effect that turns the player's screen completely black (where they can't even see their character) for, say, 5 seconds. What I namely want to do is create a tie-dye/rainbow/trippy effect that covers the screen for a few seconds. Is this possible? And if so, how would I go about it? And are there any existing examples I could look at? Thanks!
I think you could do it with cinematics, if you want to prevent the player from moving; otherwise I don't think that's doable? Appart from spawning gigantic projectile / particles, which'd be visible by other players too and not screensize-consistent
Ah, darn. I appreciate the resposnse but I'll probably have to scrap the idea. The entire idea originally was to disorient the player for a few seconds and drop them into a different part of the map without them being able to see it - to give the illusion they had shrunk (even though they would still be normal size). I'm not sure how possible it would be to ACTUALLY shrink the player, so I thought it would be a workaround. I'll need to figure something else out.
Try telling the exact thing you want, because I didn't really get it... But I would say in general, you can mod anything. You originally wanted to shrink the player? Or what exactly?
Shrinking the player would be overly difficult Because of that, I wanted to temporarily blind the player and drop them into another room This would give the illusion they had shrunk (everything would be larger in size when built)
Wouldn't it be possible to just temporarily open a screen-sized black screen as an interface? Or if this is part of a mission, can't you use cinematics for that?
Good call! That may actually work out very well! There's other issues with it as well which I am not experienced enough with to deal with.
Hi! I tried to solve this and almost made it, but it doesn't seem like you can set the zlevel of status effects higher than blocks so it fell a little short. BUT, while mulling it over, I realized that the Erchius ghost renders over most everything thanks to Code: "renderLayer" : "ForegroundEntity" So if you're feeling adventurous, maybe you could try having your quest spawn an entity that's just a giant rainbow tunnel graphic and have it track the player before unloading itself after a certain time?