1. wonderful_waffle

    wonderful_waffle Aquatic Astronaut

    So I have been playing around with making different house and tenents, I want to understand better what acualy counts as a house and how many items I need in a area to get the tenent I want. The wiki uses something called number of items (boxes) and I don't know what that mean, and I tried to get a new tentet but I would sometimes not get the one I want example fish people stuff in a room and it gives me bird person , and what does the color of the teleport mean when tenents spawn in
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2016
  2. Dante1120

    Dante1120 Astral Cartographer

    Color means nothing other than Race.

    1 Box = 1 Tile

    All you actually need for a tenet is a light source and a door, it can be a 2x4 if you wanted it to be. And check the wiki tags for what items have the Avian or Hylotl tags.
  3. wonderful_waffle

    wonderful_waffle Aquatic Astronaut

  4. Dante1120

    Dante1120 Astral Cartographer

    No problem.

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