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RELEASED the pony modpack V3.2.4 Balanced Stallion

a starbound my little pony: friendship is magic centred modpack

  1. C0bra5

    C0bra5 Oxygen Tank

  2. skudwerd

    skudwerd Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    okay, how can I send it to you?

    also I'm on GOG, so I have to manually add mods and all that, if that helps anything
  3. C0bra5

    C0bra5 Oxygen Tank

    is reading that hard?
  4. skudwerd

    skudwerd Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Sorry for being an idiot. for some reason I didn't even keep going. sorry, I'm dense.

  5. C0bra5

    C0bra5 Oxygen Tank

    easy, the mod is made for 1.3+ and you are still on the old 1.2.2 update

    which means one of 2 things,
    a) you somehow haven't gotten the update from steam / humble bundle / gog-galaxy yet
    b) pirated the game, which seems likely as the game didn't try to load mods from the workshop, and failed to load steam services but i know that also happens when using the drm free versions available on humble bundle/gog-galaxy.

    if you can send me a screenshot/log with the 1.3.1 version i'll be willing to help you but my stance on the pirating of this game is as long as it looks legit, I will help if it's not, you ain't getting shit from me.

    your log:

    a 1.3.1 log from a steam release

    a 1.3.1 log from a drm free release
  6. skudwerd

    skudwerd Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    ahhhh see I got GOG and haven't logged onto it a while ago! Lo and behold, after updating it, it works.
    Thank you very much for the help! my apologies for using up your time on something that was pretty much due to me not paying attention and noticing that I needed to update it.

    Thanks again, friend!
    C0bra5 likes this.
  7. luna_panshiel

    luna_panshiel Pangalactic Porcupine

    so i have taken it upon myself to fix one of the long standing "problems" this mod has had, progress has been going quite well on it

    as of this post i have completed 15/90 beds, takes me a few minutes for each unless there is a drastic change needed
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2017
  8. C0bra5

    C0bra5 Oxygen Tank

    That's really nice, I'd love to have them as I'm about to start making the villages and world structures.
  9. luna_panshiel

    luna_panshiel Pangalactic Porcupine

    oh i was intending to share them for sure, that's why i made the post after all. i'm currently picking away at them, and some are quite a bit more difficult than others [​IMG]

    currently at 19/90(will probably be deleting a few that don't actually require any changes)

    at the very least you'll be able to REST on the bed, if not sleep on them. a few vanilla objects like the avian altar doesn't make humanoids sleep, but they still recover because they're "resting" so a few of the more problematic beds(ones without blankets or covers mostly) will be of that sort, you lounge on top with no sleep particles

    i'm not entirely sure how the recipes should be set up, though preferably you convert a normal bed into a pony bed, and can convert it back into a normal non-pony bed... if you wanted to use it for colonies or give to friends

    <link removed, check post below>

    there may be some clipping with certain hairs or tails, not a lot i can do about that, i made a test character with the longest tail i could to minimize clipping issues
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2017
  10. C0bra5

    C0bra5 Oxygen Tank

    I'll deal with that once I have it, as many assets will need that sort of fix.
  11. luna_panshiel

    luna_panshiel Pangalactic Porcupine

    i posted a link to download the first bunch i put together in my previous post
  12. C0bra5

    C0bra5 Oxygen Tank

    got it.
  13. luna_panshiel

    luna_panshiel Pangalactic Porcupine

    and i got another set of 20 beds completed, up to 40 done now, and made a few improvements to beds i had already done


    the island hammock and prison beds in particular would be very difficult to do properly without major redesign, at present you can sit on them but due to technical limitations, cannot "lay" in. they're at the very least usable now

    and with that, people can now pretend to be rarity

    Edit: with a new day comes a new set of completed beds



    i had no interruptions today, so i did it. i have ponified every. single. bed.

    there isn't a single one in need of fixing skipped, even the ones that are unobtainable by normal means are working

    Last edited: Jul 17, 2017
    Sugar-Fable likes this.
  14. Leyen Enyo

    Leyen Enyo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Speaking of beds, I've noticed that the Ponex sleep with their eyes open. (In fact, they don't even blink. XP) Think that can be fixed in the future?
  15. luna_panshiel

    luna_panshiel Pangalactic Porcupine

    normal races have their eyes as part of the base "paper doll head" ponies have their eyes as an extra layer so that you can choose different shapes and styles, like hair and avian beaks. there is currently no way to animate blinking or closed eyes on addon layers such as those. so for the ponex to have closed eyes you'd need to completely redesign how their head is built, or modify every bed in the game.... like i did for normal ponies
  16. Leyen Enyo

    Leyen Enyo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    So, that's a no. Darn.
  17. Deciton_Reven

    Deciton_Reven Cosmic Narwhal

    So I was going to do more today, but I've had internet problems literally all day, so I only got some hairs done before dealing with that, all day. All the colors are mocks and could probably be better, and specifically the first is meant to use the blue and pink Bonbon colors iirc, so buyer beware. On that note, how wide spread with pony layman clothes be? Doesn't it make sense to invisi-hat and invisi-bottom them and have various cutiemarks distributed? Anyways hairs: http://imgur.com/a/eCNGM
    C0bra5 and Sugar-Fable like this.
  18. Quinch

    Quinch Cosmic Narwhal

    Hi hi! Got a quick question - it's a minor thing, but would it be possible to fix pony sleeping poses, or is it a hardcoded thing? Sleeping like this looks super uncomfortable.
  19. luna_panshiel

    luna_panshiel Pangalactic Porcupine

    you can't "fix" it because of of system limitations, any fixes you could do would make it just as bad for non-ponies. all you can do is make custom beds that display ponies properly, a few posts back i posted a link to download a bunch of beds made for ponies but they aren't set up to be obtained outside of admin commands
  20. C0bra5

    C0bra5 Oxygen Tank

    @Deciton_Reven the forums decided to stop notifying me about the modpack's discussion for some reason, but anyhow, yay, they look awesome

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