In the v1.3.10, the price of stone will be sold at 100g in Year 2. Meanwhile, I need many stones to craft the stairs to explore the skull carven. The price lets me feel hopeless and I really don't know how to go deeper in the mine without staircases. Hope that the price could decrease a little, please!
but stone is so easy to get... just go through the mines and break every stone you find and you'll have more than you can use the price of stone because you're not supposed to be buying stone by the hundreds...
They raised the prices because some players that made the farm for maximum profit was buying all the things that they need, but at the same time this punished heavily the casual players. I think that a better option would to create a algorithm that increases all the products value based in how many money you make per season/week/day.
I don't mind the higher prices after my fourth year into the game. But the 2nd year I'm just starting to build my sheds, kegs, preserve jars and casks. On the original farm map wood isn't an issue, but it is near impossible to get all the wood you need on some of the other maps. I prefer a more leisurely approach to the game so I'm not buying much in my first 2 years.
Yeah, just go mining for stones, can easily get 600-700 stones in a day with an iridium pickaxe, more if you run good and get plenty of crowded levels, where it is worth dropping bombs to save time. I tend to do it in the frozen section, you get plenty of iron as well, for more bombs, and the monsters are pretty weak, so you can mostly just ignore them while you mine. And when you do go for a skull run, plenty of red bombs and five full stacks is easily enough to get down well past floor 100. For wood, just plant a few dozen pine nuts and harvest and replant them regularly
Stone is very easy to get, the problem lies with wood, but It's kinda our fault for lack of planning, you shoudn't chop all the wood on your farm without plant new seeds.
It's not helped by the fact that trees grow rather slowly in the game, and at varied paces. I may plant a dozen trees at once, and maybe 2 will be fully grown and the rest will grow at different paces with at least 1 barely showing any growth at all. I realize that's realistic, but it's still frustrating when it comes down to luck as to how fast things regrow.
Are you remembering to clear the 8 squares surrounding the trees? It sounds like this could be an issue especially if you are seeing some trees fail to grow at all. Trees that are grown near each other, like in a checkerboard pattern, will drop seeds that prevent each other from growing. Clearing out these small saplings is also a good sustainable source of wood.
No, it's fruit trees that you need to keep the eight spaces clear, but that's not necessary for normal trees. Also, for wood farming, you don't cut down the saplings, you'll never get enough wood; they only drop 4 pieces, whereas a mature tree can drop over 20 pieces. This is neither sustainable nor is it getting you the wood you need. You clear out the mature trees for lots of wood, and replant the seeds that fall, while letting the saplings grow to maturity. If there is a cluster of saplings together then one of them will reach maturity, which will then prevent the others from doing so, but as soon as you chop it down, the others have the usual chance to reach maximum size. A dozen? Plant more, lots more. Plant dozens of them in the early game, plant hundreds if you can. You'll be swimming in tree seeds with all the trees you're chopping down, just stick them straight back in the ground.
I seem to recall back in 1.2, I believe, that you could plant things in the Quarry and even the Train Station. However, my ex tried to do both and neither were allowed. It could be a multiplayer bug, I haven't tried it yet in single player. Also, the dozen was an example. But sensibly it's foolish to take up a crapload of your farmland just for the sake of trees. Planting 20 or so in a criss cross pattern seems to work best, although it's quite ugly. I'm doing a forest map for my latest playthrough and since the farmland is already limited I have utilized small portions of the grassy areas for trees. Some for sap, some for chopping. Even though the trees are touching diagonally, they seem to grow just fine.. it's just they take ages to grow, almost a month for some of them, but they DO grow.
OK, to be fair, I am now always on the standard farm and you definitely don't run out of space on that But I have tried all the others at least once now, and I do think that on the other maps you should still be able to find plenty of space to grow wood, at least in the early game, which is when you need it the most anyway. Certainly the forest and wilderness farms have plenty, and with care I think you should find it on the river and hilltop farms too Let's face it, with one gap spacing, a dozen tree seeds only occupies 5x7, about 1% of the whole farm map. Even 100 trees should only occupy less than 10%, and you don't fill the whole map with other stuff in your first year. I've not run the exact numbers on this, although it could be calculated, but wet finger in the air guess, that those 100 seeds, continually replanted, would probably provide, during the growing seasons, a long term average in the region of about 8,000-10,000 wood per year. And yes, they sometimes take a longer time to grow, but the median growth time is only 18 days, which is why you want to get down as many as possible, to smooth out those bumps in the supply, a dozen isn't nearly enough. Check your copse every day, and as soon as trees are mature, chop them down and immediately replant.