Hello everybody! I'm Karamunin and I'm here to present to you my submission, of which I'd like to call "The Psyvoids", my cyborg bug which look a lil' something like this: BACKSTORY The Psyvoids are a result of a research experiment conducted by Professor Cedric Veridian, who was formally known as a respectable, world-renowned scientist who had a team of Class-A scientists at his secured research facility known as Veridian Labs Corp.However, as time passed, his research became more and more dangerous in ways that were exceedingly unconventional. His team of scientists started being increasingly concerned, until one day… they had a breakthrough, and created the first bug with advanced cybernetic enhancements. By this point a few of the scientists had their doubts about the research being conducted and chose to leave for other work. Prof. Cedric Veridian strived to make these creatures more powerful, and smarter. He would constantly add new cybernetic parts onto their already hardened bodies. The team of scientists steadily progressed to accept the professor’s views and the Psyvoids became increasingly dangerous. It was then, when one day, the professor decided to add weaponry onto each of the bugs. Shortly after the experiment, a fatal accident occurred. One of the members of the Class-A team had been killed by a Psyvoid in an accident. The remaining scientists who stayed by the professor’s side were mortified by the occurrence, and decided that after several long years, now was the right time to leave Veridian Labs. At this point, Cedric felt angered from the betrayal of his team. In protest one evening, he stole a ton of equipment from the Laboratory, and heads out to space to further continue his research and to test out how the Psyvoids will cope in new environments. Nobody knows of the professor’s whereabouts in space today, he is now known and wanted by many for answers behind the creation of the Psyvoids. It has been rumoured that he too was murdered by his own creations, and some say that he is very much alive somewhere in the galaxy. ABILITIES & GAMEPLAY FUNCTIONS The Psyvoids come with a bunch of abilities and traits, here are some of my ideas: Its "tail" is actually not a naturally developed tail, but is more of a cord that the scientists have implemented into the bug and then filled with venom. Different Psyvoid models can have different kinds of poisons, such as paralyzing, blinding, health draining, energy draining, slowing, etc. The poison is injected into the blade at the end of its tail, soaking it and resulting in a very deadly swing. The Psyvoid can retract its limbs into its body, leaving only the metallic legs on the outside. This action is used when the Psyvoids are resting, using defensive and surveillance mode. The bugs have natural sensors, which makes them great for guarding areas, as they are very tough to sneak by, and once one has detected enemy movement, it will go into its attack mode. Whilst in this defensive mode, the creature can burrow its leg tips into just about any surface, making it able to stay in this mode on ceilings as well as walls, which makes them harder to detect. Here's a quick sketch and pixelart showing the creature in this position, just to give an idea of how it could look like: I was thinking that the Psyvoid masks could be able to drop at a low drop rate and worn on your character, like that mask which Furious George wear (the black mask with small, red visor). That mask could perhaps be a drop from a Psyvoid, unless that it is obtained in a different way. Okay! so that's about it for now, I'll try to update with new info and maybe do some other versions with different colors. I might also make a new mask and other things, if I'm able to. Good luck to everybody and may the best monster win!
I really like this idea! The idea that it could be anywhere will definitely stop me from just charging in everywhere! Thus is a great entry!
The Psyvoid looks freakishly awesome! Yet it really works well! The colours blend well, I love the texture of it and also the scorpion look and feel of it. The idea that it can curl up and rest is really neat, it'd be a bit of a surprise bumping into one of these!! This is a really unique concept, and in all honesty, I hope you win! Good luck!
Thanks alot, Becca and Mr. Highseas. I'm glad that you both like it. Yeah I think it could be kinda scary to run into a dark cave and not seeing that one of them is sitting on the ceiling above you and then jumps down right on ya.
I haven't posted mine yet. I am trying to figure out how to upload images from my iPod, as my previous idea didn't pan out.
You're very welcome! I agree with Mrhighseas, it's right to say if you like something! I just posted mine, although it really is just for fun
Hmm, yeah I can see where you're coming from =o with the mask and the patterns on it. Haven't thought of until you pointed it out lol. Ooh, I understand. Hope ya figure it out soon then, lookin forward to seeing what kinda monster you'll bring
Thanks! Worst case scenario? I just have no pics. It's not like they will add much, as I'm not a good artist.
Nonsense.. I'm not a good artist either, but I took the gamble and posted mine up anyway. Sometimes you don't need to be a good artist to have the best ideas.. Just go for it!
Yeaah, what Becca said ;P haha. I don't consider myself much of an artist myself either, but I entered this anyway, because it seemed like fun and I reaaally look forward to this game, so I couldn't resist lol.
Really, I think in this competition, they're not seeking for the best "art" but the best "idea". You will have just as much chance of winning as the rest! I wish you luck (And happy Saint Paddy's day )
I think the background could lead to an awsome adventure into the world of Psyvoids. I really like this entry becouse the ability to make each Psyvoids unique and indivual depending on there abilitys and they can have diffrent difficulty levels depending on those abilitys and the variety in stings will also make certain planets and terrains more intresting if added to starbound. I am fairly new to this game and i would much like to come across these creatures on my travels at some point. really good entry karamunin hope u lots of luck
I've updated now with a new picture. A recolored version of the first Psyvoid I made. Thank you, Jneill :'D I'm glad you like it.
You know, I've probably said those exact words to newcomers a half-dozen times. I guess sometimes you just hold yourself to higher standards than others. Happy St. Patrick's day to you as well. No one is wearing green, though. Also, I did find a way to post pics, so I'll be working on that today. On-topic. I also really like the Psyvoids, Karamunin! The new recolouring is a welcome addition!
Thanks and yay! good to hear that you figured out a way. I'm currently working on another recolouring, but this one will also have a newly designed mask and some other stuff. This is taking a while though, so I'll probably have it done later on Sunday.
I finally got it up! I call them... Pishims! The img BB code doesn't work for them, so they are URLs instead. Hope you like them.