I wanted to let the developers know the reason I preordered this game (one simple reason); it is DRM Free. I have no idea about the game, I have no idea if it is good or bad, or what the original was like. What I do want you to know is, I personally support DRM Free gaming with my personal finances. Keep making games DRM free please, and others like me will support you for the sake of the trust you place in your users. I appreciate you not treating users like casual pirates that are out to steal your game or give it to all their friends. There are those that will buy and never give away your hard work. Thanks
Interesting approach. DRM-freeness is getting quite common among Indie Games lately though, I guess? Still it's great to see TAW becoming DRM-free, but I'd love to see this game on bigger platforms like Steam and GOG, also to increase publicity. Also, I guess GOG would only make sense since TAG is one of the free games you automatically receive when you sign up there, even with a couple extras. Oh, and GOG is DRM-free too. *g*
if it isnt on steam i aint buying simple as that. DRM free is NOT a good thing and OP should be ashamed for saying it is
What. DRM-free means there are no squeaky background programs that run checks if your game is valid or not. On top of (ever so slightly) increasing the resources it takes from a computer, they also often install some shady third party programs that do the checking. I personally don't care if some big company is spying on computer files and programs, but many people really don't appreciate it. Even if they are doing it for the good of their customers (marketing, bug fixes, compatibility for example). Now is your turn to tell why it is not a good thing?
steam doesnt install any shady ANYTHING the only things they install on your pc is the crap that is NEEDED to play the game. ANYONE who thinks steam is putting shady things on their pc should just NOT own a pc... steam is the future of PC gaming it really is just THAT simple. ps i like how you try and hide the fact you are trying to defend piracy <.<
Piracy is pretty irrelevant to what you're saying about steam since their games can be pirated just as easily.
Guys, don't use the terms "piracy" and "DRM-Free" interchangeably like they're synonyms. A lot of gamers really don't like intrusive DRM like the kind that came in some recent titles like Sim City and Diablo III, where legitimate buyers of the game were forced to verify their game on a server that suffered from bottlenecks, crashes, and sometimes frequent disconnects that caused loss of progress and the like. Thus, DRM in general has been given a bad name to a lot of mainstream gamers. Making a game DRM-free for early backers is just a bonus for helping out the developers when they need it most. It's not a bad thing, and it's entirely a decision for the development team to make, not you.
cept the fact that his STATEMENT does say he supports piracy. try using your brain... i know its hard ether way DRM is the future <.<
no piracy was used for an entirly different part of this "DRM-free means there are no squeaky background programs that run checks if your game is valid or not." is the part about piracy and DRM-Free is just stupid tbh. devs that choose drm free chose to screw their game. why you might ask? because steam helps games become known. steam helps people keep their games all in 1 place. steam is safe.
Oh? If it doesn't stop piracy, then how is it the future? It just seems like unnecessary restrictions on loyal customers.
It's a reward for pre-ordering... If it gets greenlit, it will be subjected to whatever DRM there would be for a game on Steam, but they can't just slap it on steam without it being approved. That's not a decision they can make. They're doing the best they can to promote their game as it is before it debuts on other gaming distribution platforms.
Guys, that's enough with the pointless arguing ;-; I understand that some not-so-nice phrasing was used, but continuing the argument is not the right way to handle that. The OP was trying to make a positive statement and it got mooshed around into a flamewar.
http://store.steampowered.com/privacy_agreement/ Read the agreement carefully. Especially the personal data thing. I do not like that.
i honestly never buy anything if its not on steam steam is just so much better then anything else FACT i dont like overthetop drm (EA) those games diserve to be pirated altho indies i feel might need some cus they dont got megamillons like triple As do then again DRM or not, a pirate will get in and DRM olny makes it hard for leget people to play (looking at you Simcity 2013) tho steam doent make it hard to get in as you can play the games offline (besides games that are soley online like tf2, but even that you can play offline but youd be dumb to do that) and the severs are almost never down so incase you didnt read my post Steam > Everything else DRM = neutral Pirates = newage robinhood - the giveing to the poor part