Hi, I'm having some troubles with my MMX mod. Since the stable update released in august last year ( i think) patching treasure pools seems to don't work properly anymore. None of the set items will drop, although the treasure files have been properly assigned (no errors in the log file). Anyone got an idea whats wrong? Here's my treasure pool patch file (monster.treasurepools.patch): http://pastebin.com/nXa03Rqp
you are still patching for the miniboss treasure pool, it doesn't exist anymore... you shure you don't have errors in your log? here is the corrected thing anyway: Code: [ { "op": "add", "path": "/basicMonsterTreasure/0/1/pool/-", "value": { "weight" : 0.25, "item" : ["mmxmetal-1", 5] } }, { "op": "add", "path": "/basicMonsterTreasure/0/1/pool/-", "value": { "weight" : 0.6, "item" : ["mmxmetal-1", 1] } }, { "op": "add", "path": "/basicMonsterTreasure/0/1/pool/-", "value": { "weight" : 0.5, "item" : ["mmxmetal-1", 3] } }, { "op": "add", "path": "/flyingMonsterTreasure/0/1/pool/-", "value": { "weight" : 0.5, "item" : ["mmxmetal-1", 5] } }, { "op": "add", "path": "/smallfishtreasure/0/1/pool/-", "value": { "weight" : 0.5, "item" : ["mmxmetal-1", 5] } }, { "op": "add", "path": "/largefishtreasure/0/1/pool/-", "value": { "weight" : 0.5, "item" : ["mmxmetal-1", 5] } } ]
You're indeed correct. That error log was hidden between a lot of Info logs. I never noticed that the miniboss treasure pool is gone, thanks a lot! Edit: That's really it! The issue is fixed. Thanks a ton!