Howdy! I have decided to create series of undertale related mods. Since I am not a really good modder, spriter, writer or english speaker most mods will contain original Undertale sprites, music and writings. All credits to Toby Fox, his game is really great. Someone asked for cat to Temmie replacement. So here is Sans. This mod replaces cat with Sans. He walks around the farm and sometimes eats ice cream but mostly sleeps. Sleep and ice cream eating animations included. That is all Sans do anyway. He doesn't cast shadow because he is a skeleton. Warning: mod contains some unused sprites from Undertale. Installation: merge folders and replace files. v2.0 - fixed some sprites and modded event with getting Sans as cat. Also he sometimes meows. I may try to replace wavebank so he could use some other sounds but the file will weight around 300mb. Does anyone need this? Feel free to answer. If you have a dog I would recommend Dog Replacement- Annoying Dog from Undertale by FinalMantasyX. Or Adds cool skeleton near your house. Already included in mod Your Room. This is it: A room of your own. Replaces your home with Toriel's house from the Ruins. We have there: your room, Toriel's room, hall, working kitchen and basement. And Papyrus outside the farm. Walls are not working as walls for now. But you can't run through them anyway. Furniture is part of the building. Maybe I will be able to make it real furniture. Not sure how animals will behave. I had to rearrange some stuff and mod a few sprites so that the spawn location was in the bed. You can inspect some objects. Installation: copy files in this folder: ...\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Content Enjoy. Not a reskin. Max tier house and marriage houses is not tested because I don't have that saves. Sorry. I will test as soon as I could get appropriate saves. I used SimpleXNBDemapper (1.1) by Pinkishu / Inari-Whitebear to edit level.
This amuses me more than it should. Good job! If only you could have the cat *and* the dog, and the dog is Papyrus...
I wanted to replace cat with Papyrus first but he was too great. Literally. His sprite is even taller than villager's one. Maybe I will do it one day If we will have modding API that is capable of increasing NPC's sizes.
That's what I'm talking about! XNB foolery for life, awahaha! Though I'm definitely looking forwards to less tedious ways to edit location and bruteforce dialogue... Also, these are lovely, very calming. Will we also meet Goat man to have a cup of tea with?
I might as well throw this here, mostly did it for myself. Cat as Tem. There are some sprites I haven't tested yet, if it's a big enough deal when I experience it I'll fix it, otherwise you can fix it yourself. Download: Dropbox Her flipping upside down is normal, it's Temmie. What did you expect of her?
This somehow gives me an idea.. What if you replace Shane with Burgerpants, and Morris with Mettaton?
Nice! Added into OP quote of your post. And replace all jojo with MTT. Would be great. Of course.) If I could only find a way to make larger NPC. Not sure If I can redraw all sprites.
If you didn't want to create a bunch more Burgerpants sprites, you could make the poor, unloved redhaired woman at the checkout aisle Burgerpants; it would just be a matter of editing one sprite (the register) instead of making a full walk cycle + emotions. Fantastic, don't worry about redrawing everything. It's a lot of work, when you release stuff we'll be happy to see more work!
I do want, I just never tried to draw sprites before yesterday. A head in a bush. My progress with "your room" mod for now.
So, remaking all 3 tiers of houses takes lots of time. Especially when you need to deal with some strange scripts and sleep location changes that depends on house's tier. One of the doors suddenly became a hidden chest. How? Why? I have no idea. Facing all those problems I started to think that it would be better to add Toriel's home as another location but I wanted to actually live in this house. Anyway T1 house is almost ready (Toriel's home from ruins). And thanks for new XNB extractor that allowed me to actually add new XNB files to avoid conflicts with various reskin mods. Which are 95% of the mods I think. T2 house will also include kitchen and T3 one will have a basement. Still no idea how wife's (husband's), cats and children will behave in that strange house. I don't think this mod will be very useful but it will be a good template for adding houses to all monsters. I really want to add them as NPCs but I need a normal API for that. I have some hopes in Storm one but I haven't seen a single mode that add some content like new items yet. Here is my spreadsheet in case anyone needs it. It took me a lot of time to adapt those to Valley map format.
Those look amazing, though I'm not surprised you've started to get some weirdness (the door is a chest because of mushrooms dancing or so I hear). I'm currently at the stage where I could get a proof-of-concept of Thelma up, but instead of having her spawn off-map (a new location I'll probably make visitable later) I decided to try having her spawn in town for ease of testing... She won't appear anywhere, and I've got a sneaking suspicion she's stuck in a wall and I misread a tile. Or, there's some obscure defines I've missed... You and I are quite similar I think in regards to your thoughts... I'd be glad to share with you how I've gone about creating Thelma as an NPC if you're interested, though again, given I haven't actually got her to appear in-game yet, that might not help. And I'm actually thinking of re-doing her as an investigation point because I don't really want to use the in-game heart system, we'll see. Seriously though, beautiful work. I'd be happy falling down into such a comfy place.